The Weekend

May 14, 2006 18:59

Work has gotten a little better. Some of the bugs in the new program have been worked out. Now, it's just a matter of catch up to get back to normalcy. I can probably do that on Monday.

This weekend was a fun one. Shawn shawn1979 and I got up early on Saturday morning and travelled down to Morehead, KY to see one of our good friends graduate from Morehead State University. We are all graduates of Berea College, and Brittainy was graduating with a Masters of Science in Clinical Psychology.

Shawn picked me up around 7:30am and we drove the 2+ hours to Morehead, arriving with enough time to grab some McD's breakfast and get our seats. Unlike the graduations at Berea, there were over 1500 students graduating! This included Masters, Bachelors, and Associate degrees. Looking at the program, I had a feeling it was going to be a LONG service. Surprisingly, it wasn't nearly as long as it could have been, with several students not participating in the ceremony and speakers keeping it short and sweet. It was pretty nice and congrats to all of them.

After the ceremony, we found Brittainy and made our way to her place. I got to meet Brittainy's mom, aunt, 2 younger brothers, and niece. We ate and ate and ate, with a "Psyco The-Rapist" double chocolate cake (LOL). Soon, Brittainy's family left, leaving me, Shawn, Brit and her husband, Mike, to watch the Family Guy movie and then jump over to a really nice Mexican restaurant (La Finca which mean, the Farm). Margaritas were poured and great food and conversation was had. It was a great time. Late, but great. We left Morehead about 9:30 and made good time, getting back to Cincinnati around 11:45pm.

Around midnight, Jim called and we made plans to get out together. I had gotten an email saying that the Serpent was celebrating Burger's 50th birthday. Burger is one the bartenders there and we decided to make our way there to celebrate with him. It was a good time. The bar was pretty busy and it was decent fun night. We had a good time and I hope Burger did as well...

On a final note, a quick happy birthday to stripedtiger! I hope you had a good day!

birthday, serpent, graduation, weekend, friends, morehead, jim

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