Omacaro -> Land Submerged in Sand
Terrain consists of vast stretches of plain desert and canyons. Most life dwells in the canyons. The desert winds make most life above unhospitible. Exiles and other mutants live up there in hostile conditions. Most travellers are killed by the winds or (see above)
Cities and towns built into cany9ons and cliffsides, like a giant ladder or treehouse (rock though, mainly. Trees are scarce and grow only really at the base of the canyons, near where the only water is. In the main city (Given the redundant name Sand City as later dubbed by forigners) There are only a few trees, but they are massive and stretch through the rock for hundreds of metres. Many homes and structures have been destroyed by the trees growing, but nobody is willing to complain about it for the protection it brings.
The lone main character in Omacaran mythology and religion surrounds Daven (The Cure) dubbed only simply as 'God' or 'Saviour' in Omacaran. (The translation from Omacaran speak to Basic makes it difficult for foreigners to fully understand the concept of Omacaran belief. It does not help that most of them are unwilling to explain completely)
Both Daven and Mathias fled to the north, finding the desert and the canyons and holing away in there. For a long time, they simply enjoyed shaping the caverns and creating th winds. Making the place secret and exciting and wild and dangerous. Also protected. As with all the Gods, they found a corner of the world and hid themselves in there, making shelters. Escapes. Hidden places in the world. People came to be, suddenly and unexpectantly to them and without really noticing, a religion formed around them.
The trees were a boyhood whim- made simply to spite one another and see who could create the tallest one. Mathias undoubtedly won, and Daven tried to compensate his loss by creating more trees (though not narly as grand as the solitary one his brother made). The focus of power made the quadrant trees the obvious place for settlement when people came into the canyons.
Omacaran spiritual belief and religion revolves mainly around the idea of healing. While in mythology, it is known that Daven had a brother- it is not known that Mathias was in fact greatly superiour in intellect, power and skill. Daven was left with the power to cure, heal and mend but he was unable to prevent the consequences of his clumsy attempts.
Omacarans know their 'god' is not all-knowledgeable. He is merely a vessel of power, while the 'secrets of life and destiny' lies in the land. Their belief is similar to that of the Native Americans, excepting the freak immune systems.
Daven made a clumsy and ill-thought attempt to impress/protect the people of Omacaro before he realised what a really fucking horrible leader/spiritual figurehead he would make and used what power he had to attempt to make Omacarans immune to everything. While he did effectively erase all possibility of infection, disease or mutation from the Omacaran race- he did not predict the possibility of pain, carrier infections and the affect not ever getting sick would have on these people. After realising his mistake, he left Omacaro forever in a juvinille and desperate attempt to find his brother.
It is not know if he ever found him- Omacaran myth paints his flight as never-ending.