Here are the results of the Fifteen Characters Meme.

Oct 26, 2010 11:19

Thanks to woman_of_, leetje, and bookishwench for playing!

1. Dean Winchester
2. Faith Lehane
3. Gemma Teller Morrow (Sons of Anarchy)
4. Angel
5. Cara Mason (Legend of the Seeker)
6. Lisbeth Salander (Stieg Larsson's Millennium Series)
7. Illyria
8. Chuck Bass (Gossip Girl)
9. Castiel
10. Sheldon Cooper (The Big Bang Theory)
11. Damon Salvatore (The Vampire Diaries)
12. Jamie Fraser (Diana Gabaldon's Outlander Series)
13. Aeryn Sun (Farscape)
14. Bigfoot (Sanctuary)
15. Det. Olivia Benson (Law & Order: SVU)

woman_of_ had these:

1) 1 and 7 go on a road trip together, where do they go? That would be Dean and Illyria, and I imagine they would go wherever the hell Illyria wanted to go. Dean ain't no fool. Of course, he might be struggling between wanting to hunt her, and wanting to bang her, so he might be kind of stuck.

2) 15 and 8 are at Las Vegas, what are they doing? Olivia and Chuck Bass go to Las Vegas -- sounds like the beginning of a joke. LOL. I'm sorry to say that they'd be going separately. Olivia is probably going there to arrest him because he finally did something illegal that he couldn't cover up. But he'd buy his way out of it eventually, and Olivia would give him THE GLARE as he was released. Which isn't to say that he wouldn't be RE-arrested in the denouement, because that's how both L&O and GG roll.

3) 13 asks 11 a truth or dare question, what do they do? Aeryn Sun and Damon Salvatore? Whew, there's a few ways this could go, but I suspect they'd never get that far. Damon would try to seduce her, and she'd fry him with a blaster. Of course, he could compel her, and then of course demand a dare that involved her getting naked, banging him, and then letting him feed on her.

From leetje:

1) Who would you shag, marry and cliff out of 3, 8 and 14? OH MY! LOL I'm going to have to marry Gemma, because she's a badass bitch who will do anything to protect her family, and I bet she ROCKS in the sack. I'd shag Chuck Bass, because... he's Chuck Bass. I hate to sacrifice Bigfoot, but I don't think we'd do well in anything more than an intellectual marriage (and maybe not even that, because I suspect my IQ is about 50 points lower than his), and... I don't mean to be speciesist, but he's just too hairy and apey for me.

2) Would you ship 5 and 9 together? Sure! Both Cara and Castiel have amazing chemistry with just about anybody. In fact, I think it would be an awesome ship: the sort of sweet, lost, wounded badassness of Castiel mixed with the cynical, hard outside, soft inside Cara would make for great stories. Plus, they're both steaming hot.

bookishwench had a bunch:

1) 5 has a slumber party and invites 3, 12, and 14. 2 crashes the party. What is the reaction to this? - I have to type this out because it's just so awesome. Cara Mason has a slumber party, and invites Gemma Morrow, Jamie Fraser, and Bigfoot. Faith crashes the party. What is the reaction? (LOL) I envision Faith showing up because she's banging either Cara or Gemma, and is jealous of the other one. Or maybe she's banging both ladies AND Jamie (because Jamie is wicked hot for a 17th century Scotsman). A girlfight may break out, in which case Bigfoot and Jamie, as gentlemen, would be forced to break it up and ask Faith to leave. Any one of these ladies could kill the others, so hopefully the guys would break it up quick. In a kinky fanfic universe, an orgy would ensue.

2) 7 and 9 take a vacation and bump into 1. Where are they, and what do they do when they see 1 standing there. - Illyria and Castiel take a vacation and run into Dean Winchester. Where are they, and what do they do when they see Dean standing there? (Hee! Illyria and Castiel!) Illyria insists they go to the desert so she can rebuild her empire or a reasonable facsimile thereof -- I hear Dubai is big on that sort of thing. When Dean shows up, he of course freaks out to see his angel lover fooling around with his former god lover! Or, he could be joining them there on vacation, so they respond with pleasure that he's joined them.

3) So, tell me... 10 and 8... are they totally into one another and just in denial? (BWAH! LOL! LOL!) - So tell me -- Sheldon Cooper and Chuck Bass -- are they totally into one another and just in denial? Oh dear gods no, not even in fanfic. Sheldon is completely non-sexual, and would find Chuck's promiscuity unsanitary. Chuck would just... not be into Sheldon. Sheldon is a dork, and big, funny brain or no, Chuck is just too much of a snob to go there.

4) 13 decides to change careers and winds up a co-worker with 4 (unless 13 is already a co-worker of 4, in which case he/she/it winds up a co-worker of 6). How do they get along? - Aeryn Sun decides to change careers (and galaxies) and winds up a co-worker with Angel. How do they get along? - OMG what a crime fighting duo! I think they would respect one another's serious dedication to their calling and the people they care about. Aeryn would find Angel's tendency to self-flagellate and brood tedious, and they might get in trouble on occasion when it comes to the thermostat -- he'd forget about it due to not having a temperature, and she might end up uncomfortable due to unplanned heat.

This was so much fun!

I'll try to do another post later -- I know I'm behind on my memes, and I REALLY need to get some writing done, but I'm TOTALLY addicted to the online game FreeRealms. I had a discussion with someone the other day about my tendency to sim game addiction, and I'd like to hereby present exhibit 1. Anybody else play FreeRealms?

games: freerealms, meme, memes

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