
Oct 09, 2010 20:41

You know what I hate? FASTING BLOODWORK. It's just cruel to make me get up, take a shower, get dressed, drive, and WAIT in the blood draw clinic WITH NO COFFEE.

We can measure like, nano things, but we can't find a way to do blood tests that filter out the ingredients of coffee? It's just not right.


Damn, Sammy, looking freaking GOOD, there. And paying for ass? What's up with that?

Jesus H. freaking CHRIST Jared is RIPPED, yo. Wow.

Heh. The dueling cars was funny.



Did you see Dean's face totally light up when Cas appeared? Heh. "He's right behind me, isn't he?"


"Dean and I do share a more profound bond." Hee.

"I think we can rule Moses out as a suspect." I love you, Cas.

Bye bye, Sam's stupid car. LOL

Angel Civil War? That can't be good. But then... isn't that kind of another apocalypse? Yes, thank you Castiel, that's what I was just saying.

"Fricking angels." Word, Dean.

"I believe the hairless ape has the floor."

Um... where'd the Campbells go? And Sam is still really creeping me out on a major scale.

Vampire Diaries S02E05 -- Don't need a cut, 'cause all I got to say is WHHUUUUT? And, you know, standard statement that I love Damon.

Terriers S01E05 -- What the hell happened? I completely did NOT get that ending. Anyone who did, please 'splainy in the comments.


So hey, since I couldn't possibly over-book myself enough, I'm going to do a 30 Days of True Blood, Buffy, and Angel meme! Although... I don't think there are actually 30 Angel ones? I dunno, we'll see.


True Blood 1: Your favorite female character - Pam. She kicks ass, looks good, has a smart mouth, is fiercely loyal, and simply could not be more awesome. Also wears a lot of pink, and has a sadomasochistic streak. Who doesn't love that? Plus, I love that she loves Eric so much, and has his best interests at heart as much as her own. To top it all off, it appears that she gives excellent head, as well.

Angel 1: Favorite Season - One, then Five. One was what I really wanted the show to be overall, but then it stumbled around with no real identity (except 3, which we'll address at some later point) until it really settled into a NEW configuration in season 5... and then got canceled. *sigh*

Buffy 1: Tough one. I'd have to say 2, but 3 is really REALLY close behind. It's only the deep angst that puts 3 in second. I also adore 1, in spite of all its weaknesses... which are really part of its charm for me as an Old School fan.

30 days memes, tv: vampire diaries, tv: terriers, tv: supernatural

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