Oct 07, 2010 21:05

I'm do bad at remembering the happy birthdays, so as soon as I get the reminder in my inbox, I'm going to post them!

So, happy birthday, two days hence, toeleniangel, clevermonikerr, and kally05! I hope you have the awesomest days that you can imagine!


It's so sad that I STILL don't feel like I can wander out into the larger BtVS/AtS fandom and have a decent discussion, because the same old shit is still going on. Like, if I see a post that is said to examine a particular subject, I really REALLY don't expect to see some truly juvenile examples of that author's character/ship hate threaded throughout said post. Which threads, of course, concern what a horrible, evil douchebag Angel is (guess why. I dare you.). And of course, there's the same old shallow partyline nonsense about the B/A relationship being manipulative and statutory rape and Lolita-ish (really? Have you actually, I don't know... READ Lolita?) blah blah blah. Other characters get minor flogging, but nothing as searing as A and B/A.

And this person's point, which might have been interesting and spurred constructive discussion, becomes just another screed to add to the endless, decade-old pile. WTF, people? WHY?

Yeah, I know, it's not fair. This person has every write to say whatever s/he wants in her/his journal. It's their playground. They can love or hate whomever they want, and say so in as scathing terms as gives them their jollies. But I guess when I see a link that seems neutral on a link list, I expect it to at least pretend to be neutral in presenting the point. Or at least, you know, not full of playground style bashy-ness.

Why, ten years on, are we still unable to have plain old conversations not tinted by bashing or over-squeeing? Maybe people who rec such posts, if they agree with the bash or squee, don't really see it? I don't know, but... it was not a nice danish with my coffee this morning to see it, and I'll try not to wander off the reservation again. STILL.

(Note Later: I saw another fairly substantial contribution to the same discussion with NO BASHING! It was clear that I didn't necessarily agree with this person's opinion, but it was written from a fair point of view. Color me shocked, I guess maybe it can be done. But how do you know the difference before you click the link?)

Meh. I don't know why I bother. It's a problem that will never go away, and indeed, poisons other fandoms just as badly. Which is why I've never gotten into another fandom beyond the most shallow level. I have discussions with other fans, but I don't get fannish.


I'm not even going to do a cut for Sons of Anarchy this week, because all I have to say is HOLY SHIT! Man this season is heavy. There's too many storylines, but at least they're starting to come together now. And did I mention HOLY SHIT? I can't even believe any of this shite! Heavy, man.


I did it. I wasn't going to do it, but ultimately I was PUSHED. (Shoots look at friends who thought it was a good idea.) I signed up for jossverse_bb. Even though it's not due until March, I'm going to be HAUNTED by it all through Nano! I need to at least get some plotting done before I sit down to really write it in December or January.

Hopefully it'll be less torture and more fun. ;) B/A REPRESENT, YO!


So here's a dilemna: do you click the link to what might be an interesting fannish meta if the writer has a Angelina Jolie/Brad Pitt icon? (No offense to my friends who might like one or both of them. I appreciate the work they do, but on a deeper level, I really really DON'T.)

As it turns out, the answer is "Yes," because although I didn't really agree with the meta (and indeed, found parts of it kind of insulting to certain fan groups), it was very thought provoking and written from a POV you don't often hear from.

If you're interested, it's about SPN -- be warned, it's anti-romance of both slash and het persuasion -- but it's interesting nonetheless.

So do we not judge a meta by its icon?


FOX orders full season of Raising Hope


killerweasel also tells me (she's my fannish news crack dealer, if you'll remember) that The Gates got canceled. Um... I had forgotten it was still on. And you know how I love all things vampire? Even I kinda got bored and wandered off when it came to The Gates. Well, I hope they at least tied things up for fans. (Not likely, I know, when it comes to the networks.)


OMG I WAS WITHOUT INTERNET FROM LIKE 11-3! IT WAS LIKE BEING IN A HELL DIMENSION CUT OFF FROM HOME! It turns out my cable splitter crapped the bed. Even though it was working okay for the TV, apparently it couldn't handle Internet data. WTF is that about?

Anyway, it's fixed now. Phew.

fandom: makes me tired, fandom: never changes, tv: sons of anarchy, jossverse_bb, birthday wishes

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