Hi all! Happy Monday... only you know, not really.

Sep 14, 2009 22:08

RIP Patrick Swayze. :(


I was pretty much meh on the episode as a whole -- the pacing was screwed. But I want to watch the entire season in a glut before I give final judgment on that.

Of course, there wasn't NEARLY enough Eric for my taste, and NO Pam... but I'd be happy watching the madcap adventures of the Eric and Pam show and be perfectly happy. (Not Eric/Pam, but a buddy show.) I did love his scene with the Queen, although ERW is sort of letting me down with her performance. Eric's hair was really lovely, so you know, that's good enough for me.

I didn't hate MaryAnn's story, so I didn't cheer just because it was over. The way it ended was well-done. I liked Sam's role in it all. Her realization that her god was false was sort of wrenching.

I had a serious problem with the end of Eggs' story. I mean... a black man shot in the head by a dumb white redneck while apparently attacking a white cop, who then covers the whole thing up? Wow, Ball, you're really not gaining any racial sensitivity points here.

Loved Lafayette -- in a dress, clapping behind Sookie while in a trance.

Arlene's kids cracked me up. The entire town's embracing their amnesia kind of creeped me out. I'm glad Arlene and Terry are going to give it a try.

Um, let's see what else? Oh, the whole Bill/Sookie thing was sweet but...meh. I'm turned off major ships right now. The fandom is predictably stupid and out of hand, so I'm not giving it much thought.

I'll give some more comments later, as I said, after a full season re-watch.

Gossip Girl? I LOVE Chuck and Blair like, SO much. LOL!

And WTF is up with the best friend chick and her hippie rat chic? She bugs me. I want to call her Stephanie, but I know that's not her name. Um...


I let my paid LJ account lapse, as I just can't afford to pay for a journal right now. So THAT means cutting my icons down to SIX OMG. I have no idea what I'm going to do about that.

rip, tv: true blood, tv: gossip girl

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