Ducks Tweets OMG!

Sep 14, 2009 19:55

  • 21:09 Lost my True Blood signal, but I was sort of assuming I would. Disappointing, but not unexpected. Worst case, I wait until after midnite. #
  • 22:03 Hm. I don't know how I feel about that. #trueblood #tbfinale #
  • 15:30 Gossip Girl premiere tonight! Yay!... I can't believe I'm excited about Gossip Girl. :-/ #
  • 15:30 So I hear TB fandom has exploded over Ball saying he doesn't get Eric's appeal beyond his looks. Who cares? #
  • 19:36 I was kind of "meh" on the TB finale, but I'm still kind of taken aback at the massive freak out in fandom. Okay, no I'm not. #

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