Friday, my last day of blessed solitude and silence.

Aug 14, 2009 21:22

One problem with watching TV on the computer is that when my attention wanders, I have to switch away from the screen and only have audio, which I tend to tune out. When the TV is on, I seem to miss less somehow. I wish I could hook up my laptop to the TV -- wirelessly, of course. But only the video part. Like my computer is my cable box, you know? There has to be technology like that out there, doesn't there?


So I finished Season 1 of Legend of the Seeker last night. I want to watch it again IMMEDIATELY, but did anybody else feel like the finale was kind of anti-climactic? I don't know, it seems like there was all this build up and danger all season, and then suddenly poof! Darken Rahl's dead and the season is over. I mean, I adored the future/past timeline and the things Kahlen and Richard did for one another (and OMG did I freak when I thought Zed was Ded!), but it just felt too tidy.

And they STILL don't get to bang. That could get really old. But at least they don't angst about it all the time. They've got other shit to do.


Okay, sometimes Facebook is good for fun stuff. *G*


(Okay, yes, I am pathetic, let's get that out of the way up front. I am aware of this, and I don't care.)

JESSICA FINALLY MATED! I decided to give she and Big Swirly a chance to get it on, and THEY DID! LOOK!

It's my first baby dragon! I'm so proud. *sniff* I wonder who she'll look like? I'm hoping she'll have green and red and be female so I can name her GAILA! I need to name my bloodline... I should just call it "auDucks". *G*

Now say hi to the rest of the dragon spam Pen! *G*

facebook, tv: legend of the seeker, dragons

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