I have ABBA songs stuck in my head. Soon you'll see why.

Aug 13, 2009 21:54

RIP Les Paul, musician and creator of some of history's greatest guitars. Ninety four years is a good, long life.


You know... I think I may be becoming a low-level plebe Trekkie. Because this announcement actually made me SQUEE:

Jane Land's Star Trek Novels
Aug. 13th, 2009 01:11 am

francescacoppa posting in otw_news
The Open Doors committee of the OTW is proud to announce that we are now hosting two early Star Trek novels by Jane Land: Kista (1986) and Demeter (1987). These can be found on our Open Doors special collections page and are available for download as .pdfs.

Kista (1986), a novel about Christine Chapel, was described by the author as, "an attempt to rescue one of Star Trek's female characters from an artificially-imposed case of foolishness." In it, Chapel still loves Spock, but their developing romance is allowed to be complex, with Chapel being more of a rounded person than she was allowed to be onscreen (as well as finally becoming a doctor!)

Demeter (1987; sequel to Kista ). As Henry Jenkins and John Tulloch wrote in Science fiction audiences: watching Doctor Who and Star Trek: "If Kista focuses on the shifting feelings of Spock and Chapel, its sequel Demeter places their relationship within a larger social context, dealing more directly with how women are treated within the Federation." The plot "concerns the threat a group of intergalactic drug-runners pose to Demeter, a feminist space colony, a world where women have lived without any contact with men for several generations." Uhura also plays a large role in this novel, commanding the all female mission to Demeter; Robin Reid has argued for the importance of this novel "within the context of second wave feminism, specifically: the creation of the 1970s feminist utopias (which often featured a lesbian separatist culture, sometimes though not always on a separate planet!)" (Reid, "'A Room of Our Own:' Women Writing Women in Fan and Slash Fiction," ICFA 2009.)

Our thanks to Dr. Robin Reid for organizing the preservation of these works.

Visit the Special Collections page of the Open Doors project today!

I should probably qualify that I'm more a Feminist/Female-Centered Trekkie -- I'm more interested in the female characters than the males. Not that I don't love Spock and Jimmy T. and the other boys on the bridge, but my heart lies with Gaila, Uhura, Chapel, poor misused Yeoman Rand and Number One.

ANYway, if that made you as excited as it did me (I downloaded them both. I don't care, I'll lug my laptop to bed with me to read them!), you can find the links toward the bottom of the Open Doors Project here: http://opendoors.transformativeworks.org/. They also have an awesome collection of vintage Kirk/Spock slash from the 70's, if that's more your thing!

See, this is why OTW is so important! They're working to give fannish history a permanent home so it can't disappear like so many of our great sites did in Buffy fandom. Drop by and see how you can help!


I AM STUDIOUSLY IGNORING ANY AND ALL SPOILERS and/or PREVIEWS FOR ANY AND ALL OF MY SHOWS. I've discovered that my viewing life is much MUCH happier when I don't have any clue what's coming.


Hooohahahahahaha! OMG this killed me! My, My Spock Couldn't Let It Go by zephtastic -- Spock gets addicted to ABBA, and everybody suffers. Except McCoy. LOL Hilarious!!!!


So, you guys all know I share a home with my folks. My mother runs the place like the crazy (but mostly harmless) passive-aggressive tyrant that she is. When the folks are gone, you know what my rebellions are? I leave the dishes in the sink OVERNIGHT! *gasp* I don't scrub out the catbox EVERY TIME I CHANGE IT! OMG! I have nachos for dinner! I stay up until 5 am and sleep all day! I don't get the mail until EVENING! I drink AN ENTIRE POT OF COFFEE ALL BY MYSELF! I AM SUCH A REBEL!

My teenaged self would die of shame. LOL


Copied from

liz_marcs has a post here that will direct you to one of two posts. One is asking for American's experiences with insurance as the system currently exists. The other is asking for those to live in countries with socialized medicine to share their experiences. Share if you can share on either side. And even if you don't have someone to share/don't want to share, it's an eye opening read.



Diversity Icon Meme -- I thought this was interesting. (These are my LJ icons, not DW)

Total # of Icons: 118
# Icons Featuring Female Characters Alone: 15
# Icons Featuring Male Characters Alone: 26
# Icons Featuring Het Pairings (friends or romance): 16
# Icons Featuring F/F Pairings (friends or romance): 6
# Icons Featuring M/M Parigins (friends or romance): 8
# Icons Featuring Mixed Gender groups of 3 or more: 9
# Icons Featuring People/Characters of Color (GAILA DOESN'T COUNT): 17
# Icons Featuring Women of Color (AGAIN, GAILA DOESN'T COUNT): 11

Some counted in more than one category. The rest were divided between text, animals, and symbolic icons. Although only 17 of 118 of my icons feature people/characters of color (which is embarassing), at least the majority of those include WOMEN of color.

Anyway, food for thought.



Hilton wants us to think he's a Top? Hahahahahaha. No. Adam? Certainly.

Now I hope to never have to think about Perez Hilton having sex again as long as I live.

Adam... now that I don't mind one little bit. *G* Especially with a wee little American Idol champion from Arkansas...


And in closing: DRAGONS!

tv: star trek tos, rip, adam lambert, otw, issues: health care, meme, fic rec: stxi, dragons

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