Today at noon,
WHFS, the "alternative" station that faithfully provided me with so many years of radio listening went Latin.
I haven't personally really listened to the radio much or at all for a decade or so now, but the HFS I knew and loved was always willing to take the most banal, copycat grunge crap and stamp "alternative" on it for resale to all of us eager kids looking for someone to really "get" us. Every glorious note of the Pearl-Jam and Nirvana wannabes was expertly shrink-wrapped to look not at all like the top-40's it really was, but more like the deep soul-songs for a disaffected, highly "alternative" generation X.
HFS provided us with many years of huge musical festivals where we could score pot, see some baked chick's tits, and get various kinds of burnt / burned with like-minded, disaffected, "alternative" youths.
Now it's gone Latin, and I just felt the need to take a moment out for all of my "alternative" Northern Virginian and Southern Maryland brethren and wish its memory well.
I'd also heard that it'd recently gotten a lot better, so this was pretty much inevitable anyway.
HFS is dead, long live HFS.