(no subject)

Mar 12, 2010 21:06

Uh, so I should be working on my essay outline, but I just took a two-hour break to sort out my tags (among other things). Before I had all sort of random tags because I would just make new ones for each entry, mostly, which is useful to no one. So I've narrowed them down (a little) to ones that amuse me, and organized them in a way that I can understand, even if no one else can.

Some of them are pretty obvious, like the *fictional characters* tags are for fictional characters (though in my mind it is said the way Ben Aflleck says it in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back), and the actiwity tags are for activities (and it's obviously meant to be heard as Chekov saying it). Then you get into stuff that is like an inside joke with myself, like the foamous tags, but it's pretty straight forward once you realize foamous=famous. Soundnoise is music, because when I was younger I used to think if there was more than one word for something (like a sound or a noise) then you had to use both words together (ie. "sound-noise"). State-of-mind is places I've been or places I'm going or places I am - based on "Yorkshire is a state of mind" from the Boosh. Srsbsns is like real-life boring stuff. Wordypages are things with words or pages, like books and comics and fanfic and stuff. That was a good price is a quote from the Boosh radio show which my friends and I have appropriated to just mean something good in general, whereas that was not a good price is the opposite (though we would often say "That's not a good price" in the same way that Captain Hammer says "That's not a good sound" in Act III of Dr Horrible's Sing Along Blog). Temporary aesthetics are images and things, and the tag title is a play on Don Hertzfeldt's Temporary Anesthetics.

IDK, they are mostly self-explanatory. The main weird thing about them is WHY THE HELL DID I DO THIS? No clue.

that was not a good price [wtf?], intangible concepts: slang, actiwity: procrastinating, intangible concepts: boredom, that was a good price [lulz], picturebox: dr. horrible, picturebox: the mighty boosh, interweb: lj

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