snow tales, clam tails and tales of 2 shows this week ... adventure's afoot

Dec 03, 2007 13:14

Gots me some gigs coming up this week and I’d love to see you there.  It’s been too long, don’t you think mon petit dent mignon, since we’ve hung out.

First off I am hanging with some fine folks I had the pleasure to be in a line-up with at StemCell (new media arts festival) a bit back.  Laura Kavanaugh and Ian Birse are bringing their multi-media performance Instantplaces to town.  They collaborate using MAX/msp/jitter to bounce image and sound back and forth between their laptops (swoon).  Their images are usually a mix of photos of found objects in and about the city they perform in, giving us a unique perspective of the places we reside.  We’ll be hangin’ at the Landing Pad (10923 101 Street), and you know what that means, that’s right Mile Zero dancers mixin’ it up with us along with Thom Golub, Cam Neufeld, Ron deJong, David Hoyle and some other special guests.  This is all happening Wed night 8pm and is a bargain at 8$ or pay what you can.  Good times shall be had, so if you feel the need to warm up your eyes and ears, that’s the night to do it.

Speaking of warming up your eyes Thurs night, oh good times my friends.  There’s a group of gals just brimming with arty goodness.  Andrea Pinheiro, Monica Pitre  and Gillian Willans are strutting their arty-ness at ArtsHab, a fave artist co-op known for getting their art on as well as their warm and fuzzy hospitality.  As you know when ArtsHab has a gig it’s like one big house party, that is if one was to have a big house party in a sweet gallery, as the residents open up their studios.  In Tim Rechner’s studio my friend holzkopf and I will be getting down with our freeform selves, showing our love by sticking it in your ears and in your eyes around 22h-ish.  Visual art, experimental noise and ArtsHab, oh my.  How could you possibly keep yourself from coming?

Well, that’s about it for now.  There are adventures afoot Dec 20th, but that’s a story for another time.  I shall leave you with this.  When one is looking around the kitchen for something to eat, it seems as though nothing will do the trick.  Well my friends, simplicity rules.  I was suffering the cooking blahs last night until I had a brainstorm.  Grabbed some pasta, cooked up some garlic, onions, clams, tomatoes (the only veggie in my house .. wait a tick, it’s a fruit) with some herbs and soup’s on .. mmm mmm, good eats.

Ooo, one more thing (you can’t see me but I am hunched over the keyboard typing in hushed tones) … snow … is pretty .. did you know?!  Don’t tell, it’ll be our secret.  We don’t want everyone to fall in love with winter now do we?!

See you soon my friend.


artshab, video jamming, improvisation, noise, media art, visual art

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