"Something to Remember Me By" | #TAC 2016 Project

Feb 19, 2016 23:32

Hey, loves!

I miss our little group a lot so during my Orthopedic Surgery class today I came up with a fun project/concept we could do together. It’s been a long time since we all worked on something in regards of #TAC so I thought this would be a fun little activity we could do to pass the time we’ve been spending away from each other and online.

Here’s the situation:

1. If you can’t join in the fun now, that’s okay. This project does not have a tight deadline. In fact, my only stipulation resembling a deadline is that you must finish it before 2016 ends. That means y’all can join anytime within the next 10 full months and the rest of the time before December 31st to work on whatever prompt you choose under the cut. Deadline moved to June 30, 2017-cos we're all busy let's be real.

2. You can write WHATEVER you like: whether it be Fanfiction or Original fiction. The point is to write. I miss seeing/reading all of your unique styles and I’ll take any opportunity to read new material from you all in any way I can get. For now though, I’d like to see it done for #TAC’s sake.

3. There are ten lines/writing prompts to choose from under the cut. I want you to choose ONE and then find another to go with it. Choose a song, book, TV/movie scene, photograph or choose whatever. As long as it speaks/means something to you, I want you to share it with me and the group and infuse it in your work.

4. Whatever you come up with has to be at least a minimum of 5,000 words. If you feel like going over that number, go at it! As long as you finish before December 31, 2016 ends, then it’s all good.

5. Lastly, your work has to have a………… HAPPY ENDING. I know, gasp, “but we’re the ‘Angst Circle’ for a reason!!!!” but come on guys, there’s no point to a challenge if there is no challenge, right? So have at it! Make it happy! Make it sappy! Make it G, PG or even NC-17! I don't care. Even if your story doesn't doesn’t start out fluffy as a newborn bunny, as long as you end with a happy character then it’s a win.

Okay? Now, if you have any questions, I’ll happily answer them so just leave a comment. Onto the prompts:

A. “Of course it’s complicated. If it wasn’t, I probably wouldn’t be interested in you.”
B. “Everything you do, you pay for. So if you’re going to kiss me, you’d best be prepared to bleed.”
C. “And then my soul saw you and it kind of went “Oh there you are. I’ve been looking for you”.”
D. “You forget that even the strongest person to ever live had a weakest day of their life.”
E. “One day, you realise that there are some people you’ll never see again. At least, not in the same way.”
F. “I keep wondering, how many people do you need to be, before you can become yourself.”
G. “This is my heart. You can’t just come here, and take it.”
H. “I read what you leave in public spaces. I want to tell you that I know and admit that I feel the same. But I can’t. Not yet.”
I. “You are a drop of perfect in an imperfect world. And all I need, is a taste.”
J. “You took all my words when all I wanted to do was say them.”

I hope you guys join! Because I’m definitely setting aside some time to work on something for this. I hope you guys do too!

Love you all!

#tac2016, #circleplans

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