Ugh a Not so "Good" Friday...haha

Apr 10, 2009 21:17

Ok.. SO

I wake up to this annoying... jackass texting me at 8 AM (i stayed up late... dont judge me...) Askign if i had school or not. I didnt answer because she woke me up. and i Went back to bed. dur.

So I get out of bed around 10 AM and was suling cuz for once my boyfriend didnt leave me a message saying why we didnt talk yesterday and I mean I wasnt mad at him just kinda depressed already so i was all "._."

So i was bored and decided to actually make breakfast!!! YAY (I made pancakes and sausage)

=_= so the jackass was trying to put me on a guilt trip and be manipulative (she has agreed many times she a a manipulator...little does she know she is horrible at it and i am in fact the MASTER manipulator)

"ill stop texting you then"

I was so close to replying "=D good" but i just didnt say anythng and took it out on my pancakes

*currently dancing to some random Japanese band she looked up "Abingdon Boy School" (wtf kind of name is that xD honestly)



i ate a feast and was uber bored...

i tried to play "Jennys Fish Shop" (random game the pc comes with) but it got boring and mean... and i gave up and plays Sims which just got boring... she was pukinh like every 5 minutes i swear

Ok... soo then... I tried to take a nap... O wait... FIRST my boyfriend texted me... about hurting his knee... and he went to bed way too early cuz he took melatonin...and how he was going to mass but didnt know which place he was going yet
(hes Gnostic Catholic... i am not =D)

So then I watched Jerry Springer (thats how bored i was...haha and on Good friday nonetheless xD) and took a nap of microseconds long... then watched randomc rap on Lifetime...

then like around 4 i made fishticks and fries =D thennnn got even more bored... i played random games my computer came with... the only one i liked really was Mahjong... i played it for an hour...I got invited by my little sister to play Scrabble but i knew her boyfriend was there and i know it would have been annoyin g so i just played my game and if she asks later i was playing mahjong the wholetime =D

then my mom came home and showed me Libido pills my grandather sent her for her birthday =D i almost wanna take some but someone has to dare me or it isnt as fun... or my boyfriend has to be close... or a nice chair xD

sooo then i waited til 10 (i thought mass would end at 9; he always goes tot he late ones) and yea i was right and he actually is texting me right now =D im suprised.

and yea... ive just been listening to music and watching AmazingPhil on Youtube cuz im bored...and my boyfriend and I are hitting a sour patch of religious babble. All I said was if hed like me to accompany him to religious shit id go with him =_=; why cant he just say "=D if you feel comfortable id lvoe you to com with me" but no it has to be a big "its your own choice. it might not be so great. blah nlah blah"

this is why i sorda dont miss religion.... people get so fucking pissy about it and all anyoine wants to do is impress people for wrong reasons or convert everyone. I didnt when iw as religous but everyone made me feel liek shit all the time and made me want to kill myself.


i hope this conversation with my fabulous floridian gets better... i dont like feeling sour with him. but its a good indiciation that its not too good to be true between us.

anyway i hope everyone had a nice day even if they think good friday is as stupid as I do =D


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