Never Done

Jul 24, 2010 18:03

Title: Never Done

Characters: Jacob/Bella

Rating: M

Summary: “All I can think about is how many more years we’ll have of things I can’t give you, things we’ll never get to do.”

Disclaimer: Aside from the obvious, inspired by a song by Martina McBride

Validation Beta: majestamoniet


“She may prefer you now, Dog, but it will happen. She will either tire of you, and the meager life you can offer her, or you’ll betray her. You won’t have a choice. I’ll be waiting.”

Bella gazed at him from across the table, no doubt wondering what had made him stop eating. She doesn’t ask though, something he always appreciated about her. She knew when to prod and when to let things go. Truthfully, he shouldn’t even be thinking about what that bloodsucker said all those years ago. Tonight was their anniversary, he should be focusing on her, not brooding over the past.

Ten years. Ten years they’d been together. Ten years since the day she chose him, chose a future with him. A future that probably couldn’t compare to what the leech could’ve given her. Aside from being dead, Edward Cullen could’ve given Bella the world, not just a small piece of Washington.



“Ever wonder what your life would’ve been like if you chose different?”

“What do you mean, Jake? Chose what different?”

He didn’t answer, knowing she would work it out.

“Oh, Jacob, seriously? You’re still thinking about that?”

He shrugged. “Hard to forget.” Hard to forget how in love she was with another man. Hard to forget how much the filthy bloodsucker had to offer.
How much better her life could have been is she’d chosen him? Even now, his gut clenched remembering.

“So, what happened to all that confidence you had at sixteen?” She asked, lightly, taking a sip of her drink.

He had been so sure how exactly right he was for her, how much better. As easy as breathing. In some ways he was right. But looking back, he saw how arrogant and selfish he was. If Edward Cullen had been human, would he have fought as hard? Hell yes. But would that make him any less undeserving of Bella?

Frustrated, he pushed the chair back and stalked out onto the balcony. The view that overlooked the inlet did nothing to calm him.

“I’m sorry,” He said, when she followed him. “I didn’t mean to be so moody, ruin our night.”

“But?” Bella prompted.

He sighed. “We’ve been together ten years, Bella. Ten years. In that time he could’ve bought you a house on an island. Hell he could’ve bought you an island. He could’ve given you a Ferrari and taken you to Europe. Instead, you’ve got a half built house on the rez, a beaten up Chevy, and you haven’t left the state since you moved here, not even for our honeymoon. All I can think about is how many more years we’ll have of things I can’t give you, things we’ll never get to do.”

How long before she got bored of her mundane teaching job? How long before she got fed up of cold showers because he hadn’t had enough to pay the bills? What would he do if she left? Did he even have the right to beg her to stay?

He blinked when Bella threw her arms around him, squeezing tight and nuzzling his back. “Oh, you stupid man. You stupid, wonderful man.” She let go when he turned and reached up to cup his face. “God, is it any wonder that I fell for you?” She smiled, her eyes soft. It was his favorite expression on her. “I don’t want a Ferrari, Jake. I love my truck. Do you think Edward would have let me keep it? Let alone fix it himself every time it made a funny noise?”

She brought her fingers to his brow, soothing his frown. “I love our house. Sure, the huge hole in my kitchen I’m not so happy about, but once Sam’s crew gets it done, it’ll be my dream kitchen.” He smiled a little, remembering how she obsessed over the blueprints. “Who do you think I could cook for?”

“Jacob, do you even realize what you’ve given me? How much you’ve done for me?”

They were at home, just outside their large, master bedroom, because their dinner reservation got canceled, prompting his dark thoughts. Bella, obviously, didn’t mind the change in venue because, heedless to who might see them, she rose up on her toes and kissed him. “You’ve given me everything I’ve never thought I’d want. A home. A family. A place to belong.” She punctuated each word with a kiss, each touch of her lips more drugging than the last. She tilted her head so he could see the desire in her eyes. “And heat, Jake. Since the moment we met on the beach, you’ve given me so much warmth. Since we fell in love, I’ve been on fire for you. You don’t even have to touch me, and I burn.”

He shivered as her hands slowly unbuttoned his shirt. Their honeymoon had consisted of a fully stocked cabin in the mountains and lots of exhausting, hot, sweaty sex.

She nipped at a spot on his neck and knees threatened to buckle beneath him. Her mouth, he was helpless to resist that mouth as she licked, nipped, and proceeded to devour him inch by inch. It wasn’t long before he was hard and straining for her. “Bella,” he whimpered, when she bent her head to suckle at his chest. She had been insatiable when they first gave in to each other, he had been smug with male pride, but now he was a slave to her.

He was dimly aware of the firm tug at his pants as she lowered to her knees. Bella’s touch always drove him wild. He could be in the middle of conversation with someone, and a brush of her fingertips always cut off his thoughts. Times like this, his head was a complete blank. All he could focus on was her.

He cried out when she suddenly took him into her mouth. He leaned heavily against the wall, thrusting into her hot mouth. Between practice and dealing with whatever new thing Bella found in a book, he could never last long. All too soon, his legs gave out at the force of his orgasm. She moved with him, swallowing everything he had.

He panted, his breathing as far from steady as it could get. They were talking about something earlier, weren’t they? He tilted his head weakly as she stood up and slowly stepped out of her clothes. She started with her red dress, watching him as she lowered her zipper. She shrugged the thin straps from her shoulders and let it pool at her feet, leaving her in black lace.
He craved her, his hunger for her never seemed to fill. He wanted her.

“Look at you, Jacob. You just came, and already you’re hard again. I can see the lust in those dark eyes.” She inched her underwear off as she spoke, slowly, tortuously. When she was nude, bare and bold in front of him, she smiled. “You want me, don’t you?”

“Yes,” He whispered, shaking with his desire.

“Do you know how sexy that makes me feel? How powerful?” She stroked his cheek, standing before him, a foot on either side of his thighs. The soft gesture did not detract the brutal taunting of having her wetness so close to where he wanted her, where he needed her. She’d done this to him before, and he’d learned the hard way about what she’d do if he pulled her down before she was good and ready. His body was already fighting not to arch up into her. “You’ve given me this, Jacob. We may not have done everything, but we’re still young and I’m sure we can write our own book someday.” The wicked promise in her voice turned him on even more. She rubbed her body against his upper body as she talked.
She lowered to her knees but still didn’t bring him inside her.

“B-Bella, please,” He moaned. His arousal was darkening, any more and he’d pounce.

She knew, and so she pushed him. “Not yet. He always denied me, you see.” He could have stiffened if she hadn’t chosen that moment to cup him. He gritted his teeth at the sensation. “So much control,” She praised, and then used her nails. He arched helplessly against her hand, unable to suppress the gasps. “He always pushed me away, afraid that he’d hurt me. I was just a weak human after all.” Her tone was casual, conversational. As if she wasn’t about to kill him.

She leaned forward and licked at the shell of his ear, while simultaneously sliding her slick softness teasingly over him. He jerked when she whispered in his ear, her hot breath teasing the sensitive skin there. “And now? This weak human has the big strong werewolf at her mercy. Come on, Jake,” Challenge in her voice, even as she panted. “Take me. Claim me. Or is it,” She taunted, “that after ten years, you can no longer keep up?”

He snapped and lurched forward. A snarl, primal and inhuman wrenching from him. He had her on her back, half inside their room and half outside. He loomed menacingly over her. This part of him, the part more wolf than man, demanded her submission. Yield to me, the snarl said.

She raised her chin, eyes defiant. It used to frighten her, he knew, as his human side all but disappeared, but she revealed in it now. She actually growled back, Make me.

He kept his hands on either side of her, before thrusting harshly inside her, making her cry out. His rhythm was fast, uncontrolled. Designed to tear her in two. Her breath hitched as he reached down to touch her.

“Jacob,” She gasped, baring her neck to him, to the mark he had placed there the first time. She was frantic now, meeting him thrust for thrust. Making wanton sounds of distressed pleasure. He was just as desperate, blood thundering in his ears. As he claimed her from below, he claimed her from above as well, marking her flesh with bruises and bites.

She was thrashing beneath him, “More! Harder, Jake!” She whimpered when he flipped her around, still inside. She moaned as he hammered her into the carpet, the rough friction on her skin and inside drove her insane.

She screamed when she came, Jacob howled her name as he followed.

They lay collapsed on the floor in an exhausted heap, both covered in sweat, both breathing hard.

“I love you, Jacob Black,” She shifted her body to look at him. “That after all you’ve given me, you’d worry about not being able to give me more…I don’t deserve you.”


She shook her head. “You’ve never given up on me. You put me back together when I was so broken over him, when I still loved him. Then when we got back together, tried to selfishly keep you too, you still didn’t walk away from me. I know how badly I hurt you. I tried to push you away, to be fair to you. You probably wouldn’t have been happy ever again if I married him.”

He couldn’t help but snort, “Neither would you.”

She ducked her head to hide her smile. “And you knew. You knew how much I needed you, even when I didn’t.” She pushed at his shoulder to roll him over, and moved to curl at his side. “Then there was Kaila.”

He stiffened. Kaila. His imprint. He almost lost Bella for good back then.

It had been the night he was going to propose. They were at bonfire. He wanted to do something for just the two of them, but Emily wouldn’t hear of it. Everyone on the rez was there. No one but the Pack knew what he was planning.

They had gotten separated when one of the elders pulled him aside for something. He saw her near the fire, talking with Emily and Kim. He was about to go to her, when he felt someone bump into him. Automatically, he turned to catch the falling girl. Their eyes locked, and in that moment that seemed like years, she became his everything. Flashes of their life together tore through his mind. She was so beautiful. He was in love.

Something had snapped him back though, and while a part of him thought only of her, he had remembered his love for Bella. But when he looked up, she was gone.

Sam hadn’t let him see her, forced him to cut off all contact, wanting in his own way to make things easier. But after a few days he lifted the injunction, and tried to convince him to let it be. The pull to Kaila was strong, his imprint was hard to fight, but nothing could surpass the consuming feelings he had for Bella.

He expected to find her curled up in bed, expected to find her a zombie again. He was prepared to fix things, assure her that nothing had changed.

He found her calmly and determinedly cleaning her house. She didn’t speak to him, ignoring him as she bustled about. He waited for her finish before he approached her.

“Bells,” He began, but the cold look in her eyes froze him. He had seen every expression cross her face, but this was…new. Then she proceeded to rip  him apart in ways he didn’t know she was capable of.

It was the darkest point in his life. Bella had left him. He had planned to ask her to spend the rest of her life with him and in one careless moment, he lost everything. He had literally gone insane. Somehow they got past it. Sometimes it still felt too good to be true.

She traced patterns into the area above his heart, reliving the memory with him, “Even then, Jacob, you never made me feel like anything less than the greatest love of your life.” She snuggled into him, lacing her fingers through his, “Ten years. Never broke your vows to me, never stopped loving me, and even after ten years, you’re still my best friend.” She raised herself over him, browns eyes so bright with love, that it made him ache, “I could go for a lifetime of that.”

A weight was suddenly lifted from his shoulders. How did she always know the right thing to say? “I guess I’m not such a bad catch then.”

She grinned. “The hot sex isn’t so bad, either.”

“Ah, I knew it was about my body,” He sighed into her hair and pulled her back to him. “I love you, Bells. Always.”

“I love you, Jake. Though I might hate you in a few months.”

“Why? What’s in a few months?”

“That would be the birth of our spawn.”

He froze.

After a few minutes, Bella grew concerned at his lack of reaction and sat up to look at him. “Jake?”

“You’re pregnant?”

She nodded, slowly and squeaked when he abruptly jumped to his feet and ran to the balcony.

“WE’RE HAVING A BABY!” His voice boomed out into the quiet night.

Bella went red when she heard an answering set of howls. “Jake,” she hissed.

He spun back and yanked her gently into his arms. He kissed her firmly and immediately dropped to his knees to the slight bump of her belly.

She laughed when he pressed his ear to her stomach, but stopped when he said reverently, “I can heat its heartbeat.”

Her smile was soft. His was filled awed joy.

“Happy Anniversary, Jacob.”

“Happy Anniversary, Bella.”

The End

status: completed, one shot, genre: romance, rating: m

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