Meet me in the sandbox

Jul 23, 2010 00:52

It's late. I don't want to go to bed. I love you guys. Let's play twenty questions.

Uno. (1.) How many hours a week do you spend reading or writing fanfic?

Deux. (2.) If you were to become a sparklepire (Smeyer vampire) what would your talent be?

Drei. (3.) If you were a werewolf, who would you imprint on?

Four. (4.) Do you read/write in other fandoms? Which ones?

Quinque. (5.) How great is your love for Alex Pettyfer? It may take a google to find out.

Sei. (6.) What's a fanfic plot you've always wanted to read, but have never found?

Syem (7.) Do you admit to RL people that you are a Twihard? Do you get defensive about it?

Ni ju. (20.) Where did your user name come from?

discussion: general, discussion: fandom

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