
Jul 07, 2010 20:45

TATS Official Discussion Post

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Comments 88

soul_beguiled July 7 2010, 23:47:11 UTC
Ugh I dunno how long the chapter has been posted. I was at the beach. I'm off to read the chapter, I'll be back with my thoughts


dredhedred July 8 2010, 00:06:24 UTC
It's 1am here in the UK and I've just discovered this next chapter. Guess it'll be another late night for me then!


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thankthatstar July 8 2010, 00:15:47 UTC
you have basically summed up everything right here of the reasons why i love this story like burning!


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thankthatstar July 8 2010, 00:19:50 UTC
lmao exactly.


haydn_hottie July 8 2010, 00:38:24 UTC
Coming Soon: Wherein Jacob discovers he's bought time at a very high cost.

DUN DUN DUN DUN....*strokes beard in thought*


soul_beguiled July 8 2010, 00:44:28 UTC
Predictions?! Common Hayden, toss some crazy ideas out there!


haydn_hottie July 8 2010, 00:48:17 UTC
I.CAN'T.THINK.STRAIGHT!!! I just read the last chap and man it still hurts in the right places...LOL!

I just want it to be all better for Jake ♥ but obviously its not on the next chap =D


soul_beguiled July 8 2010, 00:50:00 UTC
lol I think it'll probably take a good 10 chapters AT LEAST to fix this mess.


the_angry_pixie July 8 2010, 00:39:18 UTC
so i will just put it out there. Who thinks there is going to be a baby at the end of this story?

i'm thinking nay. i dont know why.


soul_beguiled July 8 2010, 00:40:32 UTC
Me too! But I think I'm going to do a lot of crying before the end.

Just something about this isn't sitting well with me, so I'm thinking no baby.


the_angry_pixie July 8 2010, 00:51:14 UTC
well i said to audreyii_fic in the first chapter that I hated stories where Jake/Bella have a baby while they are still young... but that i would read on anyway.

and all the way through i been all like "fffffffff this is so bad. please dont let there be a baby. this situation is way too fucked up."

so yeah. i think introducing a baby now would just be cruel and I think audreyii_fic is smarter than that.


soul_beguiled July 8 2010, 01:03:51 UTC
I don't think I've ever read another teenage J/B preggers fic. Probably because I don't like pregnancy fics to begin with.

lol I'm soooo shocked that you're evening reading this to be honest, between you being super picky about fic lately and you not liking heartfail. I'm glad you're sticking it out though. That's a sign of a good fic.


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