
Jul 07, 2010 20:45

TATS Official Discussion Post

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the_angry_pixie July 8 2010, 00:39:18 UTC
so i will just put it out there. Who thinks there is going to be a baby at the end of this story?

i'm thinking nay. i dont know why.


soul_beguiled July 8 2010, 00:40:32 UTC
Me too! But I think I'm going to do a lot of crying before the end.

Just something about this isn't sitting well with me, so I'm thinking no baby.


the_angry_pixie July 8 2010, 00:51:14 UTC
well i said to audreyii_fic in the first chapter that I hated stories where Jake/Bella have a baby while they are still young... but that i would read on anyway.

and all the way through i been all like "fffffffff this is so bad. please dont let there be a baby. this situation is way too fucked up."

so yeah. i think introducing a baby now would just be cruel and I think audreyii_fic is smarter than that.


soul_beguiled July 8 2010, 01:03:51 UTC
I don't think I've ever read another teenage J/B preggers fic. Probably because I don't like pregnancy fics to begin with.

lol I'm soooo shocked that you're evening reading this to be honest, between you being super picky about fic lately and you not liking heartfail. I'm glad you're sticking it out though. That's a sign of a good fic.


the_angry_pixie July 8 2010, 01:16:13 UTC
i've read too many unfortunately. i kept reading them because i think the whole manipulative sperm donor concept is deliciously interesting. and i keep being disappointed. also just in general, in multi-chapter fics, the preggers storyline seems to have become a popular one for fics that are slowing down.

its like "hmmm i cant come up with anymore plot, ooo hello baby!!"

that was before i stopped reading fic altogether.

speaking of which... OF COURSE I AM READING THIS STORY... are we reading the same story... the writing and characterisation is like immaculate. that girl is way more talented than i could ever dream of. so of course i am reading it and going to continue to read it even if i dont like the ending. she hasnt disappointed me yet (cept for the whole Leah-and-her-fail inclusion haha).


soul_beguiled July 8 2010, 01:20:45 UTC
Yes I know it's perfect. But I just thought you weren't reading fic period, so I didn't know you were even giving them a shot.

Since when do you hate Leah? I didn't know this?!

Even if you dislike Leah I know you love some Quembry.


the_angry_pixie July 8 2010, 01:23:47 UTC
omg you didn't know that i dont like Leah?? like with a passion?!?

holy shit. i'm like one of the most vocal Leah-dislikers (i dont like to use the word hate) out there. ugh, her very presence in fics annoy me.

but yes you are right. I love me some Quembry. i really liked them in the last chapter.


unseemingowl July 8 2010, 19:14:08 UTC
urgh! I don't want there to be no fecking baby, but then again, I usually hate reading about the happily ever afters with babies. Babies as elusive manifestations of future happiness is fine, so long as it stays in the undefined future.

Just let them stay young and have lots of sexy times before the whole baby thing comes crashing down.


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rainey_lane July 8 2010, 08:02:35 UTC
We must share a similar mind set. I don't think there is going to be a baby either. I am guessing either a miscarriage or a false positive. The thought of them losing something that they never really had will hopefully wake up Bella. I am scared and don't know what to expect, if I remember correctly I think audreyii_fic said there would only be 3 or 4 more chapter so that makes me soooooo nervous.


majestamoniet July 8 2010, 00:46:04 UTC
I'm guessing miscarriage.

*raises hands and backs away slowly*


the_angry_pixie July 8 2010, 00:48:31 UTC
ooooo now there's an idea. but thats just a bit too heartbreaking to consider.


the_angry_pixie July 8 2010, 00:53:39 UTC
and yeah, the more i think about it... the more i am totally jumping on this bandwagon. it fits with the prediction at least. Wherein Jacob discovers he's bought time at a very high cost.


majestamoniet July 8 2010, 00:58:12 UTC
It has quite a bit of potential, that's for sure. But I don't know if she plans on getting that dark with the fic.


soul_beguiled July 8 2010, 00:48:41 UTC
GAH! Don't get me started Adria, I don't want to be crying about it yet. That would be awful (and probably make for a really good story).


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