Rec-ing Project: Crew + Plan=?

Sep 30, 2010 22:56

Hello TATSonians!

Thank you to everyone who responded so positively to the proposal post! Your support is much appreciated ^_^

There are tons of fanfiction out there, so many amazing stories that have yet to be truly discovered.

There are many talented writers out there, whose work gets buried under an ocean of new fics from new writers.

It is the job of the Rec-ing Crew to bring such fics to the surface.

The Diving Crew
inferiarecoming oneshots
channings completed

The Board

Miscellaneous Crew Member
pnai_87 -Work in Progress

Pretty sturdy group of sturdy people, right? Thank you so much, guys, for volunteering.

So, here's the plan:

For the diving crew,

For the sake of our sanity, I've decided to just stick our diving sites to and livejournal.
If there's a story that's not on either of these sites at all and it's a MUST READ, it's your choice to add it.

I must have sent you guys at least three different rec formats, but after discussing it with rainey_lane, I feel that this format works best:

Title: Never Done
Author: pnai-87
Summary: "All I can think about is how many more years we'll have of things I can't give you, things we'll never get to do."
Status:Oneshot, Complete
Category: Post Eclipse
Warnings: Smut
(Shameless plug)

The Summary will be either the original by the author (if it fits) or a condensed version (five lines or less).
The Warning is something in the fic a reader ought to be warned about (i.e. character death, OOC, imprinting, etc)

Once you have at least 5-10 fics (option of more, but keep it mind that the board only has 2 members so far) post your list on your personal journals.

Board Members
I'll have a completed list of all the fics recovered up on my journal by Monday. Your job is to read them, review each story, and rate them according to a the following point system along:
1 I'll pass
2 Weird/Interesting
3 Entertaining

Format (tentitive)
Title: Never Done
Author: pnai-87
Review:This author is an amateur


Out of fairness and a balance of power, every member has a say on whether a fic gets a recommendation. Once the board reviews each story, it is up to the divers to state their case for or against.  Disagreements can be discussed. Majority rules. Please be respectful and polite, despite the schedule and the plan we're all here to read fics and have fun.

*Which reminds me, would all the crew members please PM your email addresses and time zones to coordinate a possible chat session? Please and Thank you*

Schedule (Speculative):
  • Fic Diving an hour or so each day.
  • Have 5-10 (more's your choice) fics on your rec list by Saturday posted on your personal journal.
  • Find completed (organized) list on my journal by Monday
  • Board members read and review each story
  • Wednesday Divers and Board members discuss keeping or tossing stories
  • End of the month, fics go up on master list
End of the month, each member chooses their favorite story to be put up on a special Crew's Choice Rec List
Should a story recommended not pass the board review/majority vote, then those stories will also get a Rec list of their own.

PHEW! I think I got everything (though with my luck something comes up, bring it on). If you have any questions or concerns please let me know.

!fanfic rec post

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