better run, better run

Jul 21, 2011 23:14

01. I kind of want to try my hand at writing fanfiction again. So will you leave me prompts, please? :) I'm kind of leaning towards H.G./Myka right now (no surprise), but you can ask for other pairings you know I enjoy. PS: I do not mind if you want crack!AU!fic. I will do what I can, but I honestly haven't written this entire year, so we'll see if I get anything written.

02. This fic happened today. (The not toothache inducing adventures of Myka and Helena at Hogwarts, by thedevilsheart). I would never have thought this up, and it's wonderful and fun and so much like the Warehouse team we love. Read it and love it, or our friendship may not recover from this.

03. This also happened today, and it pretty much made my day. Have I mentioned how much I love the Warehouse cast, especially Joanne Kelly and Jaime Murray (and now also Eddie McClintock for posting that)? HOW CAN THEY DO THIS TO US AND NOT HAVE H.G. BE IN LIKE, EVERY SINGLE EPISODE OF THE SEASON?!

04. Re: Point #02 - since we're on cracky crossovers that work, well. This one is slightly less cracky, but no less awesome. ( Strange Bedfellows by corchen). It's nicely written and subtle and hits all my Myka/H.G. kinks (I didn't know I had any, but this fic hit all of them).

05. If you guys have fic recs, I will take those too! ♥

fandom: warehouse 13, -you!, pair: myka/hg, /recs

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