I recently saw X-Men: First Class, and all I have to say is:
- Charles Xavier & Magneto are so, so gay for each other
- It's not even subtext at this point; at the end of the movie, when Xavier and Magneto part ways and Magneto is looking to recruit others, he tells one of the mutants that Charles left a hole that he needed to fill. If that doesn't prove their epic gay love for each other, IDK what will. (James McAvoy has also commented on this, and he agrees).
- Emma Frost? Is really hot.
So now, I just want to read gay fiction of like, Charles & Magneto living happily ever after. Or maybe some angsty fic, IDK really. Also, X-Men femslash (or movie femslash) would be lovely.
Does anyone know if I can find any of the above?