quote meme!

Apr 20, 2010 20:56

Hello all! Things have been hectic recently (and they will only get even more so, with exams and finals coming up), but I just wanted to post this meme.

Some of them may be difficult, as I haven't squeed about all of the below fandoms before. (Though I will soon be squee-ing about one in the coming week(s), as I just finished watching it!) ETA ONE HOUR LATER: YOU GUYS ARE BEASTS. I DON'T EVEN---


Pick 15 of your ships and write down a quote for each of them. Have your f-list guess the ships without using Google/IMDB.

01. Harry/Hermione, Harry Potter (mysensitiveside)

"Been having a nice little chat with her about whether or not I'm a lying, attention-seeking prat, have you?"
"No. I told her to keep her big fat mouth shut about you, actually. And it would be quite nice if you stopped jumping down our throats, [x], because in case you haven't noticed, [we] are on your side."

02. Emily/Andy, The Devil Wears Prada (mfirefly10 / lovepb)

"[x], my God! You look so chic."
"Oh, thanks. You look so thin."
"Really? It's for Paris, I'm on this new diet. Well, I don't eat anything and when I feel like I'm about to faint I eat a cube of cheese. I'm just one stomach flu away from my goal weight."

03. Jessica/Alex, Mistresses (dirtyking)

"I, uh... I didn't think you did nervous."
"Well, I don't, usually. But then I wasn't expecting to lose my virginity again."

04. Booth/Brennan, Bones (gilligankane)

"I know. I was just asking to dance. Because I remembered the song. I'm sorry."
"Nah. You know what? Hey, it's just a dance. It's your reunion. Let's dance."
"Oh. Why are you so far away?"
"Just keeping room for the Holy Spirit, that's all."

05. Cara/Kahlan, Legend of the Seeker (cameron_sarah)

"You should keep going, you'll move faster alone."

06. Emma/Liv, Bride Wars (gilligankane)

"One of us will just have to get married on a different day."
"One of us will just have to be flexible."
"One of us can just look at different venues."
"One of us could."

07. Kaylee/Inara, Firefly (cameron_sarah)

"You have such lovely hair. I'm sure the doctor would agree."
"Who? [x]? No, he's much too... I mean I'm just... do you think it looks better up?"
"We can experiment. We might even get wild later and wash your face."

08. Rachel/Luce, Imagine Me & You (gilligankane)

"What does the lily mean?"
"The lily means... The lily means, 'I dare you to love me.'"

09. Morgana/Morgause, Merlin (dirtyking)

"Could it be that we have met somewhere before?"
"I am glad we have met now."

10. Castle/Beckett, Castle (cameron_sarah)

"Let me borrow your magnifying glass."
"I don't have a magnifying glass."
"Isn't that standard issue for detectives?"
"No, not since Sherlock Holmes."

11. Caitlin/Zoe, Cashmere Mafia (dirtyking)

"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! We're all wearing black!?"
"Well, it is New York."

12. Lindsay/Cindy, Women's Murder Club (mysensitiveside)

"She's been missing ten hours."
"What is this? Kidnapping?"
"Off the record?"
"[x], it's been so long since we were on the record, I've put the record away."

13. Alice/White Queen, Alice in Wonderland (dirtyking)

"A pinch of wormfat, urine of the horsefly, buttered fingers, three coins from a dead man's pocket, two teaspoons of wishful thinking... That should do it. Blow. (pause) Feel better?"
"Much. Thank you."

14. Elle/Claire, Heroes (gilligankane)

"Go with me. If there's a chance that these people at Pinehearst can help us, we'll go together."
"All right, Dorothy. Then we're off to see the Wizard."

15. Kate/Juliet, LOST (gilligankane)

"You know, he kissed me."
"The other day, when you came back from the other side of the island, [he] kissed me."
"It was nice. But it wasn't for me. But it was for him. I'm pretty sure he was trying to prove something."
"Prove what?"
"That he doesn't love someone else."


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