Down and Out In Burbank

Jan 19, 2005 10:25

I'm now officially done in Ventura, and am about a day away from officially becoming an employee of Providence St. Joseph Medical Center. (Or, "The Joe," as I've decided that I like to call it.) I guess you could say I work for them now, but my hiring is conditional upon my passing the drug test I took yesterday, and considering that I barely even eat any sugar, I can't imagine that's gonna be a problem.

I think they're gonna want me to start this weekend, but I don't think I'll have my certification officially renewed by them, thanks to UCLA not processing the thing yet due to Monday's holiday. And lemme tell you, that was a bucket of fun. Besides losing two weekends out of my life and having to miss the wedding, the class itself was akin to having someone pulling my nails off w/a rusty pair of pliers. It was full of EMTs w/absolutely no 911 experience who do nothing but run interfacility transports all day long, so they overcompensate by being really freakin' gung ho about being EMTs and trying to prove to the rest of the class how hardcore they are. It resulted in a bunch of these knuckleheads bringing class to a screeching halt every five minutes as they shared some completely meaningless detail that was only marginally related to the lecture topic and proved nothing except that these guys need to get out more and that testosterone is a dangerous things in the hands of the terminally inadequate. Whatever. I got through it and came home a half hour after Matt and Jess' wedding was over, just in time to see Megan in her dress (Wow...) and hear all about her bouquet-collecting kung fu (Gotta admit, I was stoked to hear about that.)

Burning those weekends was indeed worth it, however. I'm happy to be out of the Circus, as you all probably know, and I'm thrilled to be working at an emergency department halfway between my apartment and Gaki's. Life really will be much, much easier, which is good b/c I miss her terribly during the week. (I know..."DUH.") Fortunately, Jack helps ease my pain w/loads and loads of VS. For those of you who don't know what this is, it's a card game based on superheroes, and I do love all things superhero. Playing it is actually very therapeutic, as it gives my brain a bit of a workout, takes my mind off of the aforementioned girlfriend-missing symptoms and allows me to look at pretty pictures of Batman, Superboy and Wonder Girl...Actually, the latter two remind me of how much I miss my girlfriend... See for yourself:

*Sigh* Whattya gonna do?
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