hahaha wtg school XD that's a normal link :D i only found out i was on both schools' websites today XD kocho-sensei told me that i was on the website when i went to help out at school today. then an ex-teacher told me he saw my farewell message on the other school's website.
at the school i censored out at. btw the teacher censored out on the right isn't me.
Elise, who has been at our school for the last two years as an AET and contributing to the improvement of the students' English, is returning to her home country, Australia. On the 13th (Wednesday) at the end of the "Sports festival," there was a farewell ceremony for her and Elise told the whole student body her farewell.
the other school
After the school closing ceremony there was a farewell ceremony for Elise who has looked after English education at our school for two years since August 2009.
We are grateful to Elise for many things such as teaching English but also talking with us during school lunch and break time, her English Speech Contest guidance and her cheering at the city sports festivals for Junior High Schools.
On July 28th she will return to her home, Australia, and she has plans to marry in November.
i <3 my schools so much. i wish i could bring them back to australia with me XD my teachers wrote me a letter too and gave me some presents. one line went "We can't appreciate your help and advice" lawl. i know what she was trying to say though ;) do you?
~ エリース先生