There are times in every mans life

Oct 16, 2005 22:30

I like things...things that spark with the creativity of life, the lives of the hopelessly romantic and the hopelessly theatrical, I like you. Into the woods auditions were awesome today. I'm just glad they are over. Its good to see so many talented people that you know would be fun to share some stage time with and its also good to see people you love and miss playing with aka Dulcinea and Pedro. Life is beautiful, you are beautiful. God TRACY. So damn... all.

Random thought of the day-I've been drinking a lot of gatorade lately, I'd love to invent a flavor that failed horribly but that very few people sour cinnamon roll gatorade so I can say hey you remember that gatorade that failed miserably, that was mine.

Taking things literary slow,
Sir William Robert
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