Gurren Lagaan or however the hell you spell it

May 15, 2009 10:24

I gave it a second chance, only I listened to it in Japanese. I enjoyed it so much more. It's a shame I can't multi-task when I have to read subs, but the English voice cast was just mediocre at best. Some of them were downright annoying and overspazzy. I realize it's an intense series that just gains momentum as it goes along, but there's overclocked and then there's just overblown.

Bo demands fanart.

Also, Ninja Nonsense is retardedly cute and cracky and ecchi and it's really grown on me (kind of like herpes without all the unpleasantness).

Soul Eater still dominates. I'm sad I missed Anime Night last night, but tiny has had a fever off and on for the past couple of days without any overt symptoms other than restlessness at sleep time and then resulting crankiness from being tired. Children's Motrin took care of that for the most part, but I can tell she's still a bit tired.

Considering how she's drooling, it's probably tooth-related. Teething upsets her stomach so bad.

Currently, she's having a puppet show with two pencils and the camo-print pencil has a very growly voice. c_c

Also, screw you Sony for tempting me with a Dissidia Bundle PSP. PSP doesn't have an awesome enough game library to warrant having two in the house. However, I will be looking forward to August for the first time in years. It's the longest month of the year after February. uuuugh so hot and no good holidays x_x

< /ramblepost >

dissidia, anime, andi, baby, life

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