To earn some extra spending money for vacation (our hotel is right next to Chinatown, that's sure to tax the wallet XD) I'm offering ten commissions at $10 a piece. These will all be pencil commissions. Fanart or original characters are welcome. I will accept PayPal only. I intend to have most of these pieces done before February, though some may carry over until after vacation depending on how my availability looks. To reserve a commission slot, either comment or email me at with the subject "$10 commission".
Thanks for your time! I hope I can do some work for you.
Total slots.
- Techie (no payment, no desc)
- CDB2 (finished)
- CDB2 (finished)
- nut-case (paid/finished)
- shirou-chan (paid, desc get)
- NB (will pay on wednesday, no desc)
- NB "
- BEB (paid, finished)
- Maddoo (payment on the way, finished)
- TiltedHalo (paid, finished)