Where in the world is Z?

Jan 10, 2008 11:03

Currently, Bhujerba.

I'm making a concerted effort to finish FFXII now that the baby is old enough to entertain herself for the most part. She still comes over to pester me often so she can play with the game controller or crawl all over me. So, I get to seem like a neglectful parent for a while just so I can get some closure on this game.

And by closure I mean doing every thing in my power to avoid the storyline. I'm a sidequest whore. Right now I'm going after the Antlion in the mines. I have 101 hours logged on the game, the title "Paragon of Justice" (Bo mis-heard that as, "Furry of Justice" =_= ), and otherwise I'm just getting to the cab ride in Archades. Once I got my sandalwood chip I escaped back to the clan hall to play hookey for a while.

Trickster was obnoxious. Not to fight, but just repeatedly entering the zone for it.

Blah blah blah, who's going to care who hasn't played anyway? So, just touching base to say I'm still playing and I'm closer to being finished finally! Otherwise, life is baby, baby, nap, baby, cook for daddy, baby, sometimes see the outside world, baby, time to myself, and occasionally art. I'm enjoying watching the yuletart entries. Also, every night I've had to write down notes on inspiration/characters that I've had. It's really obnoxious for inspiration to hit at 2-4am, but amusing too. It's really the only time I truly have to myself anymore. Thinking on the toilet has been replaced by thinking on the pillow while trying to sleep through a snoring dog and husband.

Ein's using one of the baby's board books as a pillow right now.

Well, best to shower while the baby is still alseep. Then back to the hunt!

z, ffxii, blah blah, baby

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