Rockin' in 2008

Jan 01, 2008 08:22

Our friends were finishing a song in Rock Band as the year rolled over, so we missed the huzzahwootwoot moment of our balls dropping, fireworks exploding, etc. and instead fistbumped, consumed carbonated juice, and then went to retrieve the sleeping baby. It was a very casual and comfortable roll-over, which is fine with me because I have a feeling 2008 is going to be very busy for our little family. As it was, the holidays were almost a chore. I don't think I took on too much, but the baby's very untimely teething did make for pretty hellish days and nights straight into the present. Those top teeth are really being hard on her.

She's made it to 8 months, though, and is still going strong! We're still breastfeeding and she's taking two solid meals a day with a snack in the afternoon. Her nine month check-up is coming up and I can't wait to see in numbers how she's grown!

So, resolutions? I don't have many because I really don't know what to expect of the coming year. I'll continue to shape up. I lost around 35 lbs last year. Granted, about half of that was the baby. The rest has been eating well, breastfeeding, and being as active as time and energy will allow. I want to take advantage of Contour Express' promo enrollment fee and go back to a gym mainly because I miss working out! I love weightlifting and getting that feeling of work. It should help me because I'm not allowing myself to do things like shoveling the sidewalk or move furniture anymore. My back is just getting too arthritic for it. I should probably see a chiropractor but I don't think he could tell me anything but the obvious. I can't take medications while I'm breastfeeding, so I'm pretty much screwed.

I'd love to finish FFXII. Playing it in fifteen minute intervals is a real chore, but I know if I try and play it after baby's gone to sleep, I'm sure to put myself to sleep with the music. It never fails. After 9pm, I turn into such a pumpkin! So, until I finishing FFXII, I'm not really allowing myself to buy additional video games for myself. I wouldn't have time to do much but read the cover. I would really like to get my hands on Beautiful Katamari and Eternal Sonata for the 360. I'm curious to try the Paper Mario games, and geeze, there's a backlist of things I need to play including Okami. I've been really bad about putting work before gaming.

I doubt I'll be able to take as many commissions as previous years. However, with some Christmas gifts from Bo, I may be able to work on other projects on the laptop, rather than risk waking the baby with the computer on in the nursery! This means I might be able to actually follow through on some comic projects *gasp* and take my time with them.

Speaking of Christmas gifts, I was very spoiled this year. Once again, my kitchen got a great boost of new toys that'll help me cook for my family. Practical gifts are <3 Mom bought me the amber pendant I'd been looking at. It's so beautiful in the sunlight! It has some bug wings, an ant, and I think termite inclusions. Artbooks, gift cards, toys... it was all fantastic. The most enjoyment came from spending time, food, and lols with friends and family, though. Friendsmas was a blast! There are different faces every year, but it's always the same fun.

Finally, I've spent many great date nights with Bo over the holidays the most recent of which involved seeing "I Am Legend". Good movie. Not great, but I loved the action and environment. Then we went out to Macaroni Grill for the first time. It was fantastic! Unfortunately, the baby's fussiness brought us home early to relieve mom who was kind enough to sit. Honestly, we had some great fun, so I didn't mind. Winter nights are for curling up on the couch together anyway.

So, this entry has run overlong, the baby needs a nap, and I should start getting ready to meet friends for brunch. I think that's our last social event of the holidays. Other than the turkey waiting to be cooked, I don't think I have any big plans for the next couple weeks. (Mom's birthday comes up soon, but we've been ordered to not make a big deal of it.) It'll be good to have some quiet time for a while. Maybe the weather will go a bit easier on us, but I doubt it. This is usually when it begins to get worse XD What a season we've had!

Happy New Year's everyone! I wish you health and happiness!
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