Hey you with the face

Jul 31, 2006 08:30

Nick, are you sober yet? You promised me the first 15 episodes of that anime with the fagtwins in it! You let me down!

you're off my flist >O

Speaking of venturing into the land of the unwashed, I watched a few new (to me) anime since On Demand was so kind to host them for free. "Cat Soup" was an absolute trip, but I really enjoyed some of the visuals. "SuperGals!" made me want to rip off all my girly bits and burn them in effigy, hoping to never be mistaken as a female again. But you know? I could see potential for good character growth in the series. There were hints of it in the first episode. Finally, "Alien 9" was the one that really caught my (and Bo's) attention. It's only supposed to be a four episode OAV, and I'm curious enough to check out the rest.

And in news outside of the internet, I've been invited to do some small comics for the Anime Iowa newsletter. This'll give me a chance to get some characters who haven't otherwise been in print on paper and also get some exposure for the table. Saturday afternoon at the Pirate Porn Party I was panelling out a couple of ideas. The dimensions are somewhat limiting, though perfect for 4koma, so I'll probably keep as close to that format as I can. I found out I had more space and both the editor had originally informed me. That gives me a bit more chance to expand for comedic impact. Thus, I was re-scripting (which I hate doing, btw) the new comics. I'll be pencilling today since they need to be finished for print by Wednesday. Nothing like a tight schedule, huh? I'll be sure to share them when they're done.

OH! And also, I made my first homemade crab rangoon last night! It was a real hit. I can't believe how simple it is to make. With the teeny wontons, though, the recipe stretches out forever. I think I still have something like 20 wontons left! Thus, I'll take them over to the bachelor pad with me tonight.

Happy birthdays are in order. Ever get the feeling lots of parents were getting busy around Thanksgiving?


Happy birthday! Now, drop trou and line up for the spankings!

I'm done.

anime iowa, friends, conventions, anime, me

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