Binge and Purge

May 18, 2006 12:43

I just ran a rake through my DA and Y!Gallery. I hit the gallery on Ninja Monkey earlier in the year, though I know there are still some updates I need to do.

I've removed all but one Shinobi Illustrated image from my galleries. I figure people have gotten enough of the cow. I'm taking it back. And the beanstalk it rode in on.

I've removed... just gobs of stuff and moved other thangs on DA to my scraps gallery. This does nothing to improve all the messages and comments I have waiting to be answered or removed on either gallery.

Some days I dream of having a public relations manager.


On a completely different note, I want to do fanart for I♥NY and possibly do a coffee mug design to sell on DA.
Milky Bull is love.
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