Picpost: Doujin progress (pg. 3)

Mar 30, 2006 22:42

EDIT: Page 2 revised and Page 3 added.

This is just a perverted novel pairing I wanted to explore. So, I'm doing so via sketchy doujin. I don't think I worked on it since, ack, last Spring? So, finally, page 2. And if I can hold myself to it, I plan on having another couple of pages done this week. I'll post the progress here and then the final lot to a fancommunity later.

So, enough of my blah-blah introduction.

Title: Swordplay
Series: BLEACH
Characters: Orihime and Zangetsu
Warnings: Mild spoilers if you aren't keeping up on Japanese chapter releases (but it won't be for several pages). Adult sexual situations. Bondage and some non-consentual stuff later, most likely. Nudity, obviously. Not work safe. First couple pages are fine, though.

Page 1.

Page 2.

Page 3.

Big ugly hobo. I should be lynched by my fandom for drawing him like I do. Or perhaps I shouldn't watch House while I work on manga. And my poor scanner is dying a slow death.
Still, feedback appreciated.

fanservice, manga, hentai, picpost, art, bleach, swordplay, orizan, doujin

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