
Dec 16, 2005 08:09

Documenting this mostly for myself as I don't think anyone gives a flip about dreams. But this one was a great dream worthy of being turned into a movie.

Main Character: Seeing as most of this took place first person, I have to refer to the main character as 'me, myself, and I' but I don't think she was an accurate representation. Perhaps when I was younger I was more like her, but not now. She was a young woman of average height, slightly above average weight so that she appeared 'soft' but not fat. Most of the time she was soft-spoken, though she could certainly stand up to anyone who gave her guff (this came in handy when talking to the landlord). I can't say she was highly intellectual, but she was quick and clear-headed with a tendency to do what was needed over what was right. While mostly below average athletically, she does display some impressive upper body strength at one point in the story, though I attribute that to adrenaline, desperation, and dream physics.

The Roommate: The roommate of the main character was not only a personality hybrid of Vash/Jim Carrey's Fire Marshal Bill, but he looked very similar being tall, wide-eyed, and fair haired. For all his eccentricities, he was really a good guy and tried to look out for the main character, though he was a little caught up in his own life. They were both down on their luck, which brought the two together. I as the main character had come to live with this roomie shortly after college. He had bachelor furniture and a tiny little, one-room apartment with a dinky bathroom in which we not only cleaned but did our laundry. The roommate disappeared at one point in the story but reappeared further down the line almost completely altered!

Mother: I think she was just a dream copy of my mom. I had to help her out at one point and get her housing. She ended up living right next door which was convenient if I wanted to get away from my noisy roommate. When the landlord started being a real heel, mom needed my help more than ever. Again, when the action started, she disappeared quickly as well. I want to say she stayed behind at the apartment (which was probably best for her) though she could've fell victim to all the trouble that went down and became a background character.

Kaylee: If I recall, I actually referred to her as that in the dream. She was short, round-faced, longhaired and bubbly. She tried her best to be optimistic, but inside she was very scared and would lose her mind when she panicked. She entered the story after I left my apartment, so I'm not really sure of her origins, but she seemed familiar to the main character, so I suppose she could have been a college classmate.

The Bad Boy: You know what? I don't even know if he was given a name and I can't decide on one for him. Travis, Steve, Fonzie? Anyway, he had dark, spiked hair and a leather jacket. He kept his facial hair as a nice rough scruff without being terribly metrosexual. I remember he had a rough way of speaking and sometimes guys thought he was an ass. I knew most of it was an act and while he wanted people near him, he also needed that barrier of being a jerk just in case anything went wrong. He was prone to cruelty and insecurity which was his downfall later on in the dream. I believe he entered the story at about the same time 'Kaylee' did. The two became my companions and shortly fell victim to the plot.

The Misfourtunate: These are essentially the antagonists, though most began as innocents literally in the wrong place at the wrong time. They only marginally resemble humans but look more like conventional demons and devils. Misshapen, twisted, and pained by their own negativity, they lash out at everyone. However, under the guidance of a charismatic leader, they'll bind together to become truly destructive. They're the embodiment of human negativity, fear, violence, cruelty, and other nastiness.

The Light: I don't recall how the Misfortunates actually referred to them, but the nature of their mutation caused them to radiate this holy light that could repell and even destroy the Misfortunates. They weren't entirely the good guys. In fact, a good many of them were asses bent on destroying the Misfortunates. So, when they entered the storyline in full force, it became a struggle of justice vs. humanity or sympathy.

The Apartments: Both times something called 'apartments' appear in this dream, they're hardly suitable for human inhabitation. The first brings the main character, the roommate, and mother together for the beginning of the story. Located in the industrial district down a dirty, narrow alleyway, the two rooms rented to those characters were accessible up a small ladder. Later on, for some reason, the landlord posted high, chainlink gates around the alley to deny access to the rooms. Further down the story, he even posted violent guard dogs. Each time I would have to struggle to get back to the safety and comfort (minor as it was) of the apartment and also get mother home. After the dogs appeared, I found a way to turn them on each other and then lock them in the same segment of fence together so the rest of us (there were more than us three living there, afterall) could get back to our homes. In the end, the landlord got the upper hand and drove us all out. I fled with only a duffle bag worth of neccessities and headed east.

The World Below: Referred to as such, the World Below was covered in a thick, choking fog. The whole environment reminded me of the city in The Fifth Element with more airwalks, towers, and run down ghettos. Where we landed looked like a shanty town, but 'The TeaKettle' which resembled FLCLs big Iron, and generated a similar mist, was viewable from where we'd landed. There were people everywhere. It was crowded, noisy, smelly, and dangerous. Bar environments could be found up the rope bridges and within a several block walk were this world's version of apartments. As the story progressed, the World Below showed just how dangerous and strange it was. I'll explain later in the storyline segment.

More later... I've run out of time.


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