I tried to go to sleep earlier and I couldn't.
Tomorrow morning she's going to be alive and warm but tomorrow night her heart will have stopped.
I'm going to be there to wish her a good bye while its happening, I just don't know what it'll be like in that room when she passes... reading up online about euthanasia has given me a bit more info on the logistics of the procedure, but I have no idea how her death is going to hit me emotionally. I've never watched anyone I've loved die before. The whole death thing in general is really new for me.
I think about those years when I didn't talk much to anyone at school. I'd come home and Alley would be there -- I felt so much more connected to that cat than I did my peers -- And though I see her maybe once a month these days, I still feel very attached to her. I wonder if she'll feel relief when she's not in pain anymore.
so surreal.
she's really lovely.
and I'll miss her.