Title: Raindrops On Roses
Pairing: Tori Vega/Cat Valentine
Rating: G
Prompt: Grass
Word Count: 150
Disclaimer: I obviously didn't make any money off of these, and I obviously don't own the characters.
A/N: Prompt by the lovely, vivacious
champagnescene. Again, I followed the prompt really loosely. Don't look for a plot here, just the fluffy ramblings of a shipper.
She likes the feeling of grass between her toes and Cat’s fingers laced between her own.
She likes the smell of artificial strawberries in the middle of nowhere and the way Cat squeals when she sees something she finds exciting.
She likes that even though they’re not ‘together together’ they don’t need to be.
She likes that Cat is happy just being alive, and she likes that it’s starting to rub off on her.
She likes the taste that Cat’s lip gloss leaves on her lips, and she likes that her favorite sweater smells like Cat.
She likes Sunday mornings just before the sun has a chance to fully rise and she likes singing in the shower when she knows no one is around.
She likes that everything is so simple when Cat’s around and that she never has to explain herself.
But most of all, she loves her girl.