Now, now... Dare I ask what this is all about? A rather... Erm, quaint house in the middle of nowhere isn't exactly what I was expecting to walk into. Unless somebody's severely decorated the common room, and in extremely poor tastes, I might add, I'd like to know where I am. Then, as soon as I know that, I'd like to know how to leave.
Ginevra? You were just right behind me, weren't you? I can always here you and Parkinson gossiping from three corridors away, though, so it could've just been my imagination. Really, you all need to put a bloody lid on it.
I've got things to do, so let's figure this stupid trick out and be done with it.
[[ooc: Yeeeeah. Road Not Taken deal. The Weasleys are your typical, rich, snobbish, pureblooded family. Yay for being obnoxious~]]