I got ahead of myself apparently, ‘cause after I finished writing all that other stuff up I remembered that my sister is having a garage sale this weekend and I’m sure I’ll have to put in an appearance. Also this weekend a family friend (she and Mom have known each other since they were twelve-ish) is coming up and we’ll see her Friday or Saturday. I’m not going to tempt fate any further by hoping that’s it, I’m sure that would only result in me having to go to another huge family do.
Also, who knew that a game on Addicting Games could be addictive? Seriously, I need to go do something productive or sleep or something and it won’t let me.
This just goes to show that I should hush while I’m ahead. Anywho, last post for today. *fingers crossed that that’s true*
ETA 7/17/2010: Apparently I was too tired when I posted these, 'cause I left them set to private (I do so to make sure the cuts work before I post-post them). So yeah. Oh and I didn't have to help with the garage sale (yay!), plus we got to see the friend and had fun (even if Mom did stay out until some time after 3 in the morning and we stayed up to wait for her). In other squee worthy news, Mom and I got invited to go to the Ren Fair with a friend of ours in November. I'm hoping that we go and I may go in costume even if they don't. (NOTE TO SELF: Fix your costume already!)