Good Vibes Should Be Sent To...
+My dad, as his tent burned down and he has nowhere to sleep.
+Jamie, who's slowly getting over someone who didn't deserve her anyway.
+Bethany, as she has an audition for a drama scholarship today at a near-by college.
+Tim, Luke, Sambob, and everyone else who is not feeling well.
+Mike, just 'cause it's been a month as of today and he's a sweetheart.
+My brother, because he has his first ever band concert tomorrow night and he's nervous.
+Everyone who has a birthday in the coming month.
+Stephanie, who is worried about failing chemistry.
+Melinsa, who is worried about failing Spanish.
+Everyone else who hasn't made the list as of 5:26 pm...more later.
[----EDIT----] 5:56 PM
Alyssa spins tunes as
DJ Shady Fluff
Get your dj name @ Quiz Me ...I got that from Maggie's (dedemented) livejournal and found it amusing. So I got my own.