Ten Favourite Ten-era Moments Picspam: Part 1

Dec 20, 2009 23:31

Since September or so, I've been on a quest to rewatch all of RTD-era Who, before The End of Time airs. I'm almost there (it's going to take one last push to the end, though-it's a hardship but I think I can manage). Do I still love this show? Yes. Yes, I do. Oh, so completely. And since it's all (or most of it) is still fresh in my mind, I thought I'd do that thing that everyone is doing (even RTD did it!) and picspam my favourite Tenth Doctor-era moments. They are not in any particular order, and this is part one. Part two coming soon.

1. "Here come the drums!"

I adore this little 60-second glimpse into the madness of both the Master and Lucy. His little moment of gyrating at the portal is simultaneously sexy, seductive, and deeply unsettling. Lucy dancing like a 5-year-old behind him, seemingly not truly understanding any of this, just sort of along for the ride. The paradox machine is at once kind of ridiculous but also really troubling (whump the Doctor all you want, but I can't take TARDIS-abuse).  I could watch it over and over. I have. And I also love that apparently RTD was like, "Can I include this song off my fanmix in the actual show? Fuck yeah, I can!"

2. "Oh, she knows."

Could this possibly be any more gorgeous of a scene? What I love about this show is that the possibility even exists for a scene and a dialogue like this to happen right alongside the aliens and the crack and the Real Actual Devil™. I adore the subtlety of what the Doctor is saying here, his uncertainty about what makes his beliefs any different from anyone else's faith, and all with a delightful little shippy cherry on top. And it must be said, David Tennant hits it out of the park, while acting through a space suit helmet and hanging off a wire. That man is amazing. He just is. Haters to the left.

3. Doomsday

The entire final 15 or so minutes of this episode are incredibly effective. So effective that even now, knowing what I do about what happens at the end of series 4, it still breaks my heart into tiny pieces and makes me cry. The emotions are dealt with so beautifully, while still leaving them raw and painful. The way Rose's make-up raccoons, and how they both pause at the wall not to continue to just bang on it, but to listen, quietly. It's like two lovers separated but looking at the same moon and stars. And then the trip to the beach, again so raw and real. I have to hand it to Billie Piper, I thought her performance in these scenes was really brave. And I wish I could put a little button here that would play you the music, because it's so key to the whole sequence, and so perfect. Murray Gold ♥

4. John Smith's choice

Poor, poor ugly-crying John Smith. And I know everyone likes to make fun of it, but the fire and ice and rage speech gives me goosebumps. The first time I heard it, I really sort of wanted to punch the air and be like, "YES! I fucking love this character!" And of course all the other reasons why everyone loves these episodes, David's performance, the very existence of Jessica Hynes on this planet and walking amongst us (I am so not worthy), and the Remembrance Day scene makes me cry like an infant every single time I watch it. And again, this is one rather high-concept story, it's complicated and nuanced, and the idea of John Smith "dying" so the Doctor can live is I think a little challenging to wrap your mind around (especially because you want the Doctor to come back, and I don't know about you lot, but I felt really bad about that), and here it all is on a family show.

5. "Burn with me"

I would love to try and pretend that I have no prurient reasons at all for placing this on the list, but I would so be lying. To get it out of the way: the Doctor in pain and terrified is fucking hot. I'm sorry, but it is. I am going to the special hell. But I also wanted to put this here because no one seems to like this episode, but I rather do. As an entire episode it's skirting above-average, and there are scenes that are really wonderful (I love the silence as Martha is in the pod and the Doctor is shouting that he'll save her). I had sort of a hard time connecting with Martha throughout series 3, but her caring for the Doctor in this really touched me. I'm also a sucker for real-timey-typed episodes of things (despite the fact that I hate 24 with an all-consuming passion). So consider this my official Dark Horse in this list.

Click here to continue on to Part 2

Most of the caps used for this picspam are from the wonderful disparue.org, though any fiddling with them was done by me.

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