Today I'm fangirling
orange_crushed , just in general but more specifically for the ficlet she posted yesterday,
The Man in the Moon. It's just....words fail me. Absolutely gorgeous, bittersweet to a degree that you can actually taste it in your mouth, atmospheric, and completely in character for both alt!Ten and Rose (who makes a brief but completely wonderful appearance). A Ten regeneration fic that I think I'll be looking at many more times as The Moment actually approaches.
And, because I've got a holiday coming up, this is just my personal fic reading list. I have a lot of catching up to do. A lot. I need to get over this weird thing whereby I spend hours sitting in front of a computer but mostly just hit refresh a million times and totally ignore the things that would take me more than 30 seconds to read. I mean, really. That's just bizarre compulsive behavior and I need to knock it off. I see stuff I want to read but promptly forget where I saw it or what the link was. So, to remedy that, I shall put it all in one place for my reference:
Finish reading
Kissing Rose Tyler by
ilianacatspawn Finish reading
Just An Ordinary Boy and
Impossible Adventures Through Time and Space both by
rosewarren Catch up with what
yearn4themoon has been up to
Reasons to Celebrate and
The Sum of Things both by
shinyopals Oh snapola, also part two of
Waking Up by
lapetitefurie And I'm sure I'll be adding to this as more occur to me throughout the day.
And now that my tea is brewed and my slippers are on (recent discovery: tea and slippers are both extremely important to fic-reading), I'm off to slobber all over the
newly posted chapter of Losing Control and hump the legs of
fid_gin and
unfolded73 . Have now read. IT'S BLOODY AMAZING!!!!!