Where to begin? Perhaps I should just keep that stiff upper-lip and be very business-like.
Here at Tenzo Towers, we are, like all of you, dealing with the shock of tonight's announcement. I am in fact fairly certain that this week is trying to kill me, between this, the election and work stress (from a job where there is stress at most twice a year and this is the time it has picked to be stressful).
I will continue to joyfully write Tenth Doctor fic, and as with all the Doctors we'll always have him around in our obsessive fannish activities hearts. Everyone has "their" Doctor and Ten is mine. I will also with optimisim and hope continue to watch Doctor Who and unless it goes in some totally unforseen and bizarre direction, I will continue to be a great big pulsating fangirl. Though Rassilon help the poor sod who has to fill David's shoes (cough cough Chiwetel Ejiofor cough cough please? cough).
There may be a slight delay in the posting of Chaper 1 of Held in Trust, but rest assured I've already got most of that chapter written and the fic is going forward in earnest, as soon as I can get my head back in the game.
I'd now just like to leave you with a link to my
Why I Love the Tenth Doctor Picspam and wish David the very best of luck. I am so much looking forward to continuing to follow his career, and I hope that his stage work brings him to Broadway very soon. Because taking a trip to England every time he's in something is going to get very expensive very quickly.