I have been tagged by
ladychi because she knows I can not resist the glorious fic meta.
Sometimes Always it's okay to pimp yourself out. Post a list of your top five fic-favorites you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the BEST things you've written, but what you LOVE most. Then tag five other people to do the same.
I tag anyone who wants to claim I tagged them. Go on then. You know you want to.
I only write in one fandom with the same pairing, good lord am I boring. Here's my five (I'm not going to link individually, but
here's my master list):
The One True Free Life -- It's true, I am insanely proud of my accomplishment with this one. 55K words, written in a month, a chapter a day, complete insanity, a shit ton of OC's, every genre known to man, all in one fic.
Touching Time -- An early one, but I think where I began to learn how to successfully balance angst and humour. I also remain fairly impressed with myself that I actually wrote a fic in which my two main characters were in separate rooms for almost the entire thing.
Do You Remember the First Time? -- Yeah, it still gets me hot when I read it. I really like the silly little plot and framing device I thunk up for this one, and I like how all the sweetness/romance/fluffy-awwwww stuff is taken care of just with one sentence at the end. It doesn't infect the entire fic which is mainly just dirty-talking and hot sex, but it does cast its cute little pall over the whole thing in hindsight once you get to the end.
Forgetfulness -- Apparenlty the red-headed step-child of my master list. No one ever reads it, or if they do they aren't moved to comment on it. Personally? I totally love it. It's got the Doctor using a Scottish accent because the ladies dig it, blatant and unapologetic use of real-life Tennantisms, and a ridiculous alien McGuffin. What's not to love?
Touching and Time -- My first smut, and it now seems so quaint to me in how soft-focus it is (though do not get me wrong, it is still quite explicit). I'm still rather in love with the tense-changing madness, and the first few paragraphs, which were my opening salvo across the bow of Post-JE angst. Also, the first time I wrote Alt!Ten, who has at this point become an obsession.