
Oct 29, 2010 23:33

[House points & grades for HW handed out last time around]


Shin Sawada: O, 15 points

Good job, kid.

Okay, kidlets, the younger years were treated to the intro to how their lives were either gonna change, or were already changing, and clearing up any sort of question that they had in mind.

Now, it's going to be the turn of the older years. I'll actually be talking about rather useful stuff aside from just your run-of-the-mill sex-ed seminar that most other boring people would give. Really, honestly, all positive stuff, and I'll answer any and ALL questions you've got. If you've got something you want to ask but don't want others to know about it, just talk to me, and I'll be sure to answer as best as I can. And, you'll know I won't be able to talk to others about it - patient confidentiality and all that, you know!

So, all you guys in the 5th, 6th, and 7th years. This Saturday. After Breakfast. The Great Hall. And, if you go, I will remind you of the extra house points you can get. Just an incentive aside from what you can learn in the seminar.

Hope to see you all there!

[Filtered to his med students]

So, you older kids just saw what I wrote for everyone, right? It's rather sex-positive stuff that I'll be teaching, alongside contraceptives, spells and potions that either guys or girls can take as such, and both male and female condoms in order to try to prevent diseases as well as to help stop the fertilization of an egg so you guys don't get stuck with a kid until you're ready to actually take care of one.

Enough of that, but I would like it if you guys attended.

As for homework, you've got the following:

4th-5th years:

Work on telling apart poisonous plants by their leaves, and what makes them so poisonous, which ones have antidotes, and which ones are completely fatal when taken. 4th years, you focus on Burgmansia, Autum Crocus, Calla Lilies, White snakeroot, African Sumac, Moonseed, and Moonflower/Jimsoonweed/Devil's trumpet. 5th years, you get to focus on Hemlock, Daphne Berries, Belladonna, Delphinium, Oleander, and Privet plants.

4th years: I expect a 4 foot paper on three of those plants along with what I explained up above, and I expect at least three different book sources on them in your bibliography for the 4th years.

5th years: 6 foot paper, on all 6 plants, and I still will only require 3 different book sources as a minimum.

Your papers will be due on the 12th.

6th-7th years:

Reversing more spell damage - you guys get to deal with mock patients that have attacked one another in a duel. One has an inexplicable feline-like tail where you'd expect none, along with a ridiculous amount of hair growth in the form of a beard when he claims that he had no beard at all to begin with. The second one has ears that are as big as the height of his head, complains of a headache due to noise, as well as the fact that his knees are backwards, walking sort of like an ostrich. Your job: turn them back the way they should be.

First, you will write a four foot minimum paper on how you would approach it, and then when you are ready, I shall give the 6th years ONE patient to work on, while the 7th years will be dealing with them BOTH. I will time you, and grade you on form, technique, and end results.

Papers and mock spell damage patients should be done with by the 12th of November as well.

That's all~


[ooc: Please write how your kid did on the Homework Post and we'll all be good! Sex Ed seminar log for the older students to be posted tomorrow.]

pre-med studies, gonna educate all you kids, hey kiddies, homework time, hw grades, the doctor is in the house

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