Upon further monitoring of the situation involving Alert and Zaviel, it has been determined that not only are these two engaged in inappropriate relations but they have proven to be incapable of handling the pressures of the system here at Wammy's House. After a meeting among the House's administrative staff and a consultation with our most trusted psychiatrists, it has been determined that Alert and Zaviel will be dismissed from their current obligations here and will be moved to an affiliated mental health facility where they will receive the best treatment available. We wish them luck on their recovery.
Let this serve as a reminder to all of you. You were selected with the impression that you are all capable of handling the extraordinarily competitive and stressful environment created by the work which is done here. If we notice you straying from the objective and displaying behaviour which indicates that you are incapable of functioning to the expected level, you will also be removed and relocated to one of our affiliate locations and treated until you can be reintroduced to normal society.
As always, I am available in my office to discuss any concerns you may have.
Sorry to have to do this but after numerous complaints from other players and several warnings from the mods, it's been decided that
a_lert and
z_aviel are not being played as the characters described in the applications we originally approved. Some evolution during gameplay is expected, of course, but rapid and drastic changes with no apparent cause are grounds for us to drop the characters, especially after other players have come to us with issues regarding them. You're both free to reapply with new information but I can say that, as overtly unstable as these two are, they would not be accepted into Wammy's in the first place.