May 03, 2007 09:04
It's been way to long since I updated this place regularly. Of course I can say the same for all my LJ Friends (hin hint). Plus it doesn't help that I can only get online at work. Since I am at work and just waiting for the energy drink to kick in let me give some summarized updates.
Dominion: We have proof that the meter was misread in our first month of service. By tomorrow the correction should be registered in Dominion's system and we will be re-billed. Depending on the result I will begin contacting the VA Housing Development people (we live in a state sponsored residency), the Department of Energy, and various news channels for each day that Dominion continues to overcharge us for the one bedroom. I've already placed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau because regardless of a resolution being made it should be recognized that Dominion is trying to scam its customers with threats of cutting off electricty when they hide the reports saying they screwed up a reading.
Hentai had hand surgery in March. Back in the beginning of March Hentai cut his right hand ring finger with his katana. He was in the process of trying to move the sharp sword away from our four ferrets and was paying more attention to them than the sword. It came out of the scabbard and sliced through the tendon. His middle finger was also cut but not nearly as deep. We wnt to the emergency room and he recieved stitches. About a week later he had surgery at 6AM about 2 hours from home. I was with him as long as the doctors would let me be. He handled the whole thing very well considering his phobias with blood and and anything medical. While he was in surgery his dad came by to see how he was doing and his dad's been pretty active in checking on Hentai regarding the surgery and the various financial bullshit we are dealing with. Hentai has nt been allowed to work for about a month and a half but he will finally be allowed to go back to PetCo next week. He has had physical therapy every week which involved a funny shaped splint that really bugged his wrist, but he finally was able to take that off Monday. He's learning how to move that finger again, he can't lift anything heavy though. It will be nice to have Hentai fully functional again. I've been doing all the chores, working 2 jobs, doing all the pet care and cooking etc etc, and I'm just exhausted.
The emergency room visit, the surgery, and the physical therapy costs about $3000 including the limited help his insurance has provided so we're sunk pretty bad right now. Unfortunatly this really screws Hentai from being the best man for his friend TJ in Seattle this July. We just can't afford it and TJ is not taking the news real well.
Hentai's insurance is crap. They are refusing to pay pretty much everything until we point out that thier policy says they will pay for it. They also can't seem to send Hentai his card but they have no problem sending him the "We wont pay" statements. I'm starting to see if there is anyway short of marriage that I can put him under my insurance.
We finally reached Phil to start being paid back the money he owes us from the last place we lived. I wont go into the drama of trying to reach him through his GF and the various excuses we got about why we couldn't reach him or he couldn't pay. But it was definitly good to establish contact and I can expect full payment in about a month's time.
Ferrets: The ferrets are doing well. We've had medical concerns on 2 of them though. Taz is our little fatty. He started eating litter a month ago and went on a hiper pucking spree. I never thought anyone or anything could be hyper while being sick to ones stomach. I think he learned his lesson (don't eat the paper pellets you piss and shit on), though he still plays in his litter like a sand box. We went ahead and took him to the vet just in case. The vet said Taz is the fattest ferret he has ever seen. Please keep in mind ferrets are related to such naturally narrow animals as the otter, pole cat, weasel, and pine martin. Though looking at his girth you'd think he resembles one of his other cousins, the badger, more. The vet weighed him and he had gained a significant number of ounces since we first got him. So he's on old ferret food (effectivly a diet) and has to be in a seperate part of the cage from the other 3 ferts to make sure everyone eats thier own food. He's doing pretty well. We have him activly playing more and I think he has lost weight. He also had earmites, which means they all had earmites. We think they came in with Luci. So they are all being treated for it. Our other fun medical thing was with Ash. Last weekend he caught his middle right paw nail on a plastic crate and pulled it clean out. Ferret screams are odd shrill chatters so it was bwildering when we heard it. It took a minute to find out exactly what happened, all I was sure of was his paw was bleeding badly. Hentai found the nail and seemed to get panicky and woozy at the same time. All things considered he did OK. I took care of stopping the bleeding and with Hentai's recomendation took Ask to the emergency vet. They said he's fine just keep an eye out for infection. We were glad to here that but it was scary for a bit. Ferrets don't have a lot of blood to loose.
I think these are the biggest updates. There are a few more here and there. I'm really close to burnout but an opportunity to rest is still a few weeks down the road. I thought I should update anyone who still checks on this site.