(no subject)

Aug 29, 2006 21:02


((sorry god...but I am in a flurry, and I refuse to hold back))

This shit is NOT my fault, and my mom insisted on calling me and blaming me for danny moving! THEN she tries to take it back. I was crying in a car while Kaylei drove me across campus, and as I walked into my calculus class! GAH! Fuck this noise. And now she says "You'd better find a roommate David Armando"...

and with recent readings on current events, it occurs to me more that some people emotions might jumble any chances of my January salvation. I know your heart hurts, but with what he said to you, I'm not sure he deserves you back...or ever will. Wipe your tears. I will too.

Well, I will after my mother decides to back down a little. I have a shitload of Hirigana and Katakana to write tonight, and I have to practice my first 3 rows of the alphabet.

A I U E O, Ka Ki Ku Ke Ko, Sa Shi Su Se So

Once I get those down, I have to review limits and factoring to use them. Hopefully I can do well enough in my classes to make my mother forget all about danny leaving. Until then, the refuse to acknowledge him, and refuse to fund me until I find a roommate. I'll kinda try...but not very much.

Anyone need a room in Denton? I have one you can move into! Already has a bed, and shelves and everything. No? oh well...I tried. Off to homework land. I even put aside playing WoW all day for this. I'd better do it.


ps. Kaylei made me smile today by playing WoW...I think i got her addicted.

pps. Yayoi-sensei ((i.e. my Japanese Teacher)) laughs at me a lot...not because i'm ridiculous, but because I think she enjoys my effort. Today I asked her:
"Umm...I forgot how to say thank you. How do you say it again?"
"Dangit! I always forget the easy ones! ARIGATO YAYOI-SENSEI!" /bow
it was fun.
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