Anyone have all the Transformers Animated DVDs?

May 06, 2011 19:21

So...a very wonderful someone graciously copied me a set of the TFA DVDs, but no matter what DVD player I try them in, they won't work because they're the wrong region. :/ So I finally found, but now their site is glitchy lately, and I can't watch most of the eps. I want to just outright buy the DVDs, but for whatever reason, they're out of print (or whatever you call it when they discontinue a DVD run.)

Bottom line: I cannot find TFA seasons 1-3 for less than 40$ used. I hesitate to shell out that much for a used DVD, because Primus knows what condition it's in. So, does anyone have the DVDs, and would be willing to copy them for me / sell them to me / download them into my brain? I am willing to pay for this, do art for this, whatever you want for this. Normally, I try not to pirate or borrow media, but if it's out of print, slaggit, what are you supposed to do? It's not even on iTunes for frak's sake.

Anyone? Please to be helping me? (Entirely against my will, the jet twins have grown on me.)
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