Percy and Padfoot

Dec 11, 2004 14:25

Chapter Fourteen

Still finishing that damn previous half-chapter.

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merrymelody December 12 2004, 10:03:03 UTC
She only watches or reads the news when she and her friends are featured.

I don't think Hermione's ever read a fiction book, never mind anything as frivolous as news that doesn't concern her own life.

Pettigrew could have been there for all he knew. If Lucius knows, presumably any DE could, right?

Does appear to be a bit of a flint, since Peter's had over thirteen years to tell Voldie about his buddies Animagus activities, and even discounting his adventures as Scabbers; two years of being back in the fold, and yet there's that bit at the start about him having told 'by now' as if he won't tell until JKR needs him in the plot.

Particularly since he's humiliated more than any other Slytherin.

Heh, perhaps the Slytherins like an underdog? Everything seems to be opposite land in HP!world, what with 'the Gryffindors are the loveable victims with a five year winning streak'; so it's not impossible, I guess ;)

I mean, if it's supposed to be racist you kind of have to connect it to race.

True. But then JKR doesn't appear to have more than a junior school understanding of racism and how/why it occurs, or even it's effects (have we ever seen any prejudice against Muggleborns in wizarding society, apart from 'The Malfoys hate them'?) so I don't expect her demonstrations of characters' prejudices to actually, um, contain prejudice any more. You could be right, though. Could be a 'look, Pansy's silly and criticises other girls' hair because she's so shallow' bit.

Did he have trouble catching the Quaffle as a first year?

Heh, if I remember correctly, he would also have made a fine Beater, in addition to his Seeker skills and now Chaser/Keeper talent.

But that's why Ron's getting on the team is so ultimately bad news--if he hadn't made it maybe he'd find something he was good at.

Yes, he seems to want to compete with Harry or Hermione, instead of seeking his own interest. Mind you, he liked Quidditch before Harry had heard of it, so... (I loved that I was discussing Draco once, as is my wont ;) and someone was like 'Look how damn childish he is, wanting to be Seeker just cause Harry is'. I was like, Um, he and Ron expressed interest in it before Harry knew what it was, so while they maybe should accept that they can't compete with his Natural Talents, it's not really a 'Oooh, copycat!' situation.)

I'd have thought Ron would be fine at sports, actually. I'd almost expect him to be better than Harry, really, since Harry didn't grow up playing them. It just goes with his type--or it would, if his type wasn't so much about being not good at things.

Yes, it's like Ron's not allowed to be better at anything (of course, neither's Draco. Maybe because they're both purebloods, and it might suggest that they had value, rather than being stupid and ugly on the whole. Or that their privilege - having experience in the WW - gave them any advantage.) in case it threatens Harry and Hermione's reputations as 'Teh Bezt!11'
And you're right - Ron's tall and built, he has years of practice (unlike Ginny, who's another Miracle Baby who doesn't need to play with others), he's good at taking orders and working within a team, and he's strategic, since he can play chess. (Heh, isn't it a fic staple that he's manager, thereby continuing to assist Harry and not competing or detracting from his limelight in anyway?)

She's so totally focused on them or on her work. The scene where she's chatting with Ginny is a rare moment when ickle Ronnie looks up and Mummy's talking to a lady friend or something.

I was surprised that she had no problem with Cho, actually - taking away one of her little boys, that nasty madam! I presume she'd quite like to see Harry with a nice suitable girl, like Ginny. (Hermione does appear to be similiar to Molly in a lot of ways.) And I imagine she and Ginny discuss nothing but the boys, in a indulgent clucking 'What will we do with them?' kind of way.


sistermagpie December 12 2004, 10:53:40 UTC
there's that bit at the start about him having told 'by now' as if he won't tell until JKR needs him in the plot.

You'd think it would come out naturally when somebody asked him, "So Peter. You're a rat?"

You could be right, though. Could be a 'look, Pansy's silly and criticises other girls' hair because she's so shallow' bit.

Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if it's supposed to be racist as you said, and it just didn't come across to me because it requires that temporary jump out of canon and into our world, you know? Like this is one of those times when you're supposed to supplement canon with things from our world even if the two should be separate. Sort of like how you're supposed to associate Mudblood with specific racial slurs even though it hasn't been set up that way.

And you're right - Ron's tall and built, he has years of practice (unlike Ginny, who's another Miracle Baby who doesn't need to play with others), he's good at taking orders and working within a team, and he's strategic, since he can play chess. (Heh, isn't it a fic staple that he's manager, thereby continuing to assist Harry and not competing or detracting from his limelight in anyway?)

Yeah, I mean for me it's not even Ron's physical self that makes him seem good at sports just that he seems like a regular guy. Do they not have Little League type teams in the WW? It seems like Ron should have a lot more experience playing Quidditch with his brothers or in pick-up games or local leagues or at school, so it should be something he's more used to doing. Basically it just seems like he's a boy who likes sports so he'd also play them--which doesn't mean he has to be really good at them, and he does have a history of letting his feelings get the better of him. It's just when I try to picture him in our world it becomes kind of silly. Surely Ron would be less neurotic about sports since he grew up as one of 6 boys and was always very normal and loved them while *Harry* who is small for his age and never played anything would have more trouble. If Ron really wasn't good at sports he would know it by now and so would his family. It's kind of bizarre that both Ron is 15 before anybody sees him play, including his brothers. Ginny at least gets a stupid Girlpower explanation...what's with Ron?

I was surprised that she had no problem with Cho, actually

I think perhaps she found Cho non-threatening. After all, even though she blames it entirely on Harry, Hermione sticks herself right square in the middle of that relationship as interpreter to Harry and nag to Ron and ultimately what breaks it up is...::shock!:: Hermione. She tells Harry he was stupid for talking about her to Cho and saying he was going to meet her, but if this was a real girl I would think she was just fine with Harry doing that and had sort of expected it. I don't think Cho's so far off in seeing Hermione as a rival, even if she's not romantically involved with Harry. More like having an overbearing mother.


merrymelody December 12 2004, 11:31:45 UTC
It's kind of bizarre that both Ron is 15 before anybody sees him play, including his brothers.

Didn't they play in holidays or something? I guess they all sat around contemplating how fabulous Harry was or something, and Ron's skills or lack thereof were completely unnoticed.

ultimately what breaks it up is...::shock!:: Hermione.

Ooh, you're right! Didn't they have some argument where Cho says what a mean hex it was ((((Cho)))) and Harry's like "coldly": 'It was brilliant HAHAHAHAHA' Cho had sense man - get out of that relationship while you still can.


sistermagpie December 13 2004, 11:27:36 UTC
And also--I may get this wrong because I haven't re-read it yet, but I remember V-day as Harry saying to Cho he had to meet Hermione and Hermione being all, "Oh Harry, I had no IDEA you wouldn't know not to say that," when she was, like, in charge of the meeting. I just felt like if I were Cho I'd know immediately this girl was going to be right there in the relationship with me asserting dominance.


merrymelody December 13 2004, 11:42:18 UTC
Yes, if she was so concerned with her ickle boy and his grown-up first date; why insist on meeting at all?

(eek, teh wank!!11 right now *drowns*)


mirabellawotr December 14 2004, 08:29:00 UTC
Dude, Hermione so totally threw a spanner in that relationship. She and Ron did between them, actually, what with Ron getting all up in Cho's face about what Quidditch team she liked; don't tell me all that hostility was just because he thought she was a fair-weather fan.


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