Day 5 - Game character you feel you are most like (or wish you were)

Jun 05, 2011 11:20


Chrono Trigger! Chrono Trigger! Chrono Trigger! Chrono Trigger! Chrono Trigger! Chrono Trigger!
Anyway the character I think I’m most like and wish I was more like is Frog from; you guessed it, Chrono Trigger. But how can I be like him but also want to be like him? Let’s dig in and find out shall we?

When you first meet Frog he helps you save queen Leene and by extension save Marle but then he leaves before Leene even has a chance to thank him. We later find out that he used to be a human called Glenn and squire to his close friend Cyrus but they are defeated by Magus. Cyrus is killed and Glenn is transformed in Frog. The next time you meet him he is wallowing in self pity at his own weakness having lost the Hero’s Badge and his sword Masamune he has given up until you reforge the Masamune and tell him that he is the only one who can wield it.
This is me now; always cursing my weaknesses and all but given up on life. I tried to do something once and the failure broke me so bad that now it hurts too much to even try.
As for why I want to be like him is how he develops over the game. He puts all his ghosts behind him and learns to accept his new form. When it finally comes time to do what he has wanted to do the whole game he instead chooses to do what is right. These are all things I don’t think I’ll ever be able to do.
He’s also pretty handy with a broadsword.

OK so that’s the first of many posts about Chrono Trigger but tomorrow is Most annoying character so it won’t be two in a row unfortunately. So for now I’m Silica and don’t go doing anything I wouldn’t

30 days of gaming

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