Feb 26, 2009 22:34
I'm in a strange mood tonight. I feel stretched out yet confined.
I think I'm just bored. Like insanely bored. Like so bored my brain may burst into a million pieces and I may go flying across the universe just to escape this complete lack of anything going on.
Everything is at a stand still and I'm waiting for something to happen with no great expectations.
I'm not waiting for ANYTHING. Josh will be here in a few days, but it's still too far away for me to be sleeplessly excited (I am excited though). I still don't have my loans yet, and it's killing me. I have no idea how I'm going to get into an apartment (I'm POOR).
I just want Josh here for now, you know? I feel like everything else will take care of itself, and as long as Josh, my white wolf, is here, then I'm fine with everything. My universe will finally come together again and I'll feel in sync again.
-_- Feeeeeeeeeeeeh. This really sucks.